-Chapter 10: Nakamura and Kendou Bond Over Their 'Little Brothers'-

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Tbh this is one of my favorite songs ever and I'd recommend watching this amv, if you haven't been watching them.

Monoma laughed an evil laugh. "Well, why are you guys here? Maybe to help Class A out? Oh wait, I thought Class A was so much better than us-"

Just then, someone karate chopped him from behind.  Itsuka Kendou stepped up. She sighed.(Kendou sigh count: 1) "Monoma, you're going to scare the kids we don't even know." She looked across the room. "Hi! I'm Itsuka Kendou, and this is Neito Monoma, aka a bitch."

"Holy shit!" Nakamura said. "I should start doing that to Karma! Maybe then he wouldn't be so annoying!"

Kendou winked. "I have tons of tips and tricks. I could teach them to you!" 

"Please do!" Nakamura grabbed Karma by the ear. " I have tons of tricks as well."

"Ear grabbing. Never tried that, but it's on my list now!" Kendou moved her wrist as if she were writing something on her hand.

"I don't like the sound of this." Karma and Monoma said at the same time.


(A lot of people know that Karma's Japanese voice is the same as Bakugou's, but did you know Monoma and Karma have the same dubbed voice?)

After everyone wen to bed, Kendou and Nakamura snuck out of their rooms and went back downstairs to where they had the karaoke party and their first interaction.

The two exchanged ideas, and learned a lot about stopping people from being assholes.

Kendou sighed(Kendou sigh count: 2). "This is the last one, and possibly best one I have." She sighed again(Kendou sigh count: 3).  "The head punch. Just a punch on the head, instant knockout!" 

Kendou stood up and raised her fist, then sighed(Kendou sigh count: 4). "But, I can only pull it off because of my quirk." She inflated her fist. "Big fist. Makes my fist larger and stronger." She sat back down on the sofa and sighed(Kendou sigh count: 5). "To be honest, without it, my fist is really weak because I never had to train it without using Big Fist."

Nakamura smiled. "C'mon, it doesn't matter, I'd never be able to knock anyone out like you."

Kendou frowned. "Actually, that brings up a good question. What's your quirk?" 

Nakamura inhaled a surprised breath. Shit what should I say?

Nakamura went into her sweatshirt pocket and felt something.


"I can create any type of weapon, and I'm best at guns and knives." Nakamura said, pulling the gun out of her pocket. It was a S.A.A.U.S.O gun, but a gun nonetheless. 

Kendou started shaking. "B-but g-guns are i-illegal h-here..." She said.

Nakamura shrugged. "Yeah, but the government was cool and taught me how to make these that don't do real damage, a lot like paintball guns and bullets."

Kendou slowly nodded and sighed(Kendou sigh count: 6). "Well, whatever you say, I guess. I have to trust that you're not making that up."

Well, I'm making up that it's my quirk, but not that they're government-issued.

"Sooo, anyways, do you like Monoma?" Nakamura asked the teal-eyed girl.

Kendou sighed(Kendou sigh count: 7). "Do you like Karma?"


Nakamura looked at the ground and nodded just a tiny bit, but enough for Kendou to see. She sighed. "I guess, but he likes Okuda, and I ship them, so it's whatever." She looked at Kendou. "I'm guessing you expected me to say no, and you were going to say he's more like a little brother you're always having to look after. Karma's like that with me, I just have minor, one-way romantic feelings for him."

Kendou was shocked at how accurate Nakamura had gotten her point. She sighed(Kendou sigh count: 8). "Well, yeah. I like another guy in my class. One that's not as annoying."

Nakamura raised her eyebrows. "Well, what's his name?"

Kendou sighed(Jesus I make her sigh a lot. Kendou sigh count: 9). "His name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu."

Nakamura looked at the girl across from her. "What kind of name is that?"

Kendou laughed. "It's ironic, because his name is basically 'Ironiron Ironiron, but his quirk is called 'Steel' and he basically has Kirishima's quirk, accept he turns into steel."

Nakamura laughed. "Sounds like it. What's he like?"

"Just imagine Kirishima, just more competitive." Kendou described.

"Are they twins or something?" Nakamura asked jokingly. 

"Well, they have the same birthday as well." Kendou added on.

"No way." Nakamura said with a look of disbelief. 


The two spent the rest of the morning joking and laughing. It was so much fun. Kendou kept telling her embarrassing stories about Monoma.

"Then, he tried to microwave a banana." Kendou said.

Nakamura laughed. 

"Wow, you girls seem to be having fun." A voice said, stepping out of the shadows.

"GAH! Karma! What're you doing here!?" Nakamura asked, turning to face the redhead.

"I dunno, I'm staying in this place too, am I not allowed to go down here and you are?" Karma asked.

"Fair point, but how long have you been standing there?" Nakamura asked.

"Only long enough to hear the most recent story." Karma said. "And also, you should probably more quiet. Wouldn't wanna wake up the entire building, would you?"

Nakamura stood up and started pushing the sadist away. "Go away, no one wants you here."

"But I want myself here." Karma defended.

"Majority rules!" She gave him a final shove, then closed and locked the door. 

"Why is he so annoying?" Nakamura asked herself out loud.

"I can still hear you through the door!" Karma said through the door.

"Oh my fucking god." Nakamura unlocked the door and let Karma in.  "Okay. Why do you want to hear our conversation this bad?"

"Well, last week, you were listening on the conversation I was having with Okuda." Karma explained. "Let's just say, this is Karma." 

Kendou sighed(Kendou sigh count: 10). "Well, we just won't say anything too..." She stopped. "Personal."

"Hm. Whatever you want." Karma took out his phone and started doing something on it. He looked up to tell them he was still listening.

What the hell am I supposed to do with him?


"Hey, Karma, what time is it?" Kendou asked the redhead.

"Oh, it's 8:25." Karma answered. He then stood up and walked away. 

"Wow, I'm happy he left." Nakamura commented.

Just five minutes later, Aizawa waked into the room with an angry look. "What makes you think you have the right to get up so early and wake up a student?"

Kendou sigh count total: 10

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