-Chapter 12: KORST-

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"Okay," Aizawa started. "As most of you know, Karma Akabane got kidnapped by the league."

Maehara raised his hand. "What league?"

"The League of Villians." Aizawa explained, sounding sort of annoyed.

"Gotcha." Maehara said.

"This happened to Katsuki Bakugou a couple of months ago. Five students snuck out and went to go rescue Bakugou without permission." Aizawa glared at Midoriya, Momo, Todoroki, Ida, and Kirishima. "This time, since they were able to rescue him, we have a team of five planned to go get him."

"To start off, I'd like Todoroki and Kaminari to go. They seem to be the two Class A students he likes the most, and we don't want all 3E students, because sending in a bunch of quirkless people to fight the league isn't a very good idea." Kaminari and Todoroki nodded.

"Next, Okuda and Nakamura. Okuda is likely the person he trusts the most, and even if didn't say Nakamura could go, she would go anyways." It was true. Out of everyone, Nakamura was affected the most. She had visible eyebags under her eyes, making it obvious she had gotten no sleep over the past few days. She also probably felt the most responsible for Karma's kidnapping, due to her being just a couple of inches away from him when he got sucked into the portal with Dabi.

"And, finally, we have Nagisa, for obvious reasons."

Okuda stood up. She walked up to Aizawa and said, "I feel like Nagisa shouldn't come."

Everyone was surprised, and gasped.

"Why not?" Maehara asked.

"Karma has told me that he feels unsafe with Nagisa often, if not all the time," Okuda started to explain. "They may be close friends, but they also have this...odd relationship that often makes Karma feel envious of Nagisa, and will sometimes lead to Karma attacking Nagisa. I just feel like we shouldn't take any risks of this happening."

"What! Sir, you have to let me come, it's not right to make me stay back!" Nagisa yelled.

Karasuma sighed. "She has a point though. You wouldn't want Karma to feel unsafe or something like that."

Isogai stood up and sighed. "Let's take a vote. All in favor of letting Nagisa go?"

About 23 people raised their hands, including Nagisa, Kataoka, and Sugino.

"All in favor of not letting him go."

The rest of the class, including Kaede, Yaoyorozu, and Okuda raised their hands.

"Nagisa, majority rules, you will not be able to go to rescue Karma." Isogai said with a look of pity on his face.

Nagisa was shocked. He just stood there, frozen.

Was he actually endangering Karma?


In the end, they decided Isogai should go in place of Nagisa, due to his leadership skills. The five sat at a lunch table to discuss ways they could rescue him.

"Okay, before we start with all of the plan-business, I think we should name the team. I was thinking of 'Karma Official Rescue Squad Team'. How does that sound?" Kaminari proposed.

Nakamura and Isogai sighed. "How much of an idiot are you?" Nakamura asked. "'Squad' and 'Team' are synonyms!"

Kaminari looked down. "I'm sorry."

Okuda smiled purely. "It's okay, I think the name is really cute. We can call us 'KORST' for short!"

Kaminari looked up. "R-really?"

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