𝙲𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚢 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚝~𝟷

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Jennie woke up and felt an arm  draping over her waist and a soft breath tickling her neck"Huh?Jennie knew that she had slept alone last night.When they are back to there dorm,they decided to watch a movies and spend the whole day eating and bonding with the other until midnight,though she remembered falling flat on her bed and immediately  sleeping when she hit the pillow.

Jennie turned around to see who is it and she really expected Jisoo since she was her cuddly partner or Lisa since wll she is clingy to everyone but when she took a deep breath away."C-Chaeng?".Jennie couldn't believe it,why on earth was Park Chaeyoung doing in her room and hugging her from behind?

She observed the sleeping girl clad only in a sweater and shorts.Her eyes forward started from her forehead.Then down to her shapely eyes,her small cute pointed nose.And then Jennie finally landed on Chaeyoungs lips,which are parted as she breathe in and out while sleeping.

Jennie gulped,she never experience this close proximity to someone,especially Park Chaeyoung who was basically attacking her insides everytime she had their moments but none to their moments were compared to this.Her eyes looking at the parted lips while many scenarios going around her head.

Jennie was really curious though,how would chaeyoung lips feel to her own ones?Her heartbeat increasing at each passing moments struggles to stop herself  as the temptation seems strong.

The cat-eyed girl"What am i thinking?Kissing chaeyoung,her bandmate and best friend?The kind of action is so past best friends;she slowly distanced herself from the girl while waking her up."Chaeng....Chaeng wake up its morning."she decided to shake her to wake up.

Chaeyoung groaned "Five more minutes".....Jennie giggled at the cute girl"C'mon  Chaeng wake up.We're going to eat breakfast soon."She said trying to wake her up,food always wake up the other girls.

Chaeyoung grumbled trying to find a sense of warmth,she opened her eyes slowly and saw jennie looked at her amused."Come on now"Jennie persuaded her and she thought she was successful at the other girls up but she was proven wrong  when Chaeyoung pulled Jennie closer.

"That's more like it"Chaeyoung sighed and close her eyes trying to sleep peacefully trying to go back to sleep now that warmth is all around her.

Jennie blushed profusely"What ......The ACTUAL.....heck"Jennie felt Chaeyoung hot breath to her neck that made her shiver a bit and aware at the closeness of their bodies."Since when did you got so....clingy?Jennie muttered,she didn't know what to do since the younger girl was latching like a leech.She's really not used to it since Chaeyoung rarely shows contact with the members but now......she really knows how to cuddle,not that she minded though.....She never seen Chaeyoung show this side with her when she is together with Lisa,Chaeyoung was never the clingy type of member.

So she was so flattered when she realized that  she was able to see this side of chaeyoung but still,they really need to get up early and eat breakfast.Her stomach is having a war right now.

Chaeyoung come on I'm hungry and I'm sure that you are too"Jennie said"I'll cook".Chaeyoung was a fan of Jennie's cooking so she decided to  use it  to her advantage.

"But Unnie~"Chaeyoung pouted while huggging Jennie closer"I don't want to...Let's stay like this forever"Jennie" heart beats fast at that"I never knew you were such a warm pillow wifey.....I could sleep peacefully with you every night when I'm with  you."

Okay this is really different Chaeyoung she is seeing right now,one that is melting her words and actions."Chaeyoung are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine".Chaeyoung mumbled"How about you unnie?"

"Why you asked?"

"Your heart is beating fast"

Jennie didn't realized that Chaeyoung laid her head to her chest where the heart is located"See,it's beating more faster now."

"You're the reason why."Jennie answered in her mind before sighing and hugging  Chaeyoung closer to her soft spot to the girl triggering again"........Fine,I'll let you sleep longer".Chaeyoung mumbled a sleepy "Yay"before evening out her breathing.Jennie also closed her eyes,the other girls warmth lulling her to drowsiness"I could get used to this".


Of course the world was not in favor to Jennie as when she was about to welcome to her dream world,her door slammed open and there entered  the maknae of the group.

"Wake up,Wake up,Wake up!!!!!!"

Jennie cursed in her mind at Lisa's timing and is already planning on how to kill the younger girl.

Lisa entered the room with enthusiasm and was about to jump up and down to wake up Jennie up,but what she saw stopped her actions.There she saw Chaeyoung peacefully sleeping at Jennie's chest while Jennie has her arms around the small waist of Park Chaeyoung.

"Wow,they took cuddling to a whole new level."Lisa thought while an unusually emotion entered her system seeing Chaeyoung's peaceful face while snuggling with Jennie

"Uhm..."She said awkwardly when Jennie glanced at her."Wake up?"Lisa would rather lame and then she felt the glaring eyes of Jennie Kim.

"Ugh thanks for the wake up call Lisa"sarcasm was heard all over her voice.Jennie sighed,so much for some rare cuddling time with Chaeyoung.

"Chaeng c'mon wake up".Jennie said softly shaking the other girl awake once again while Lisa watches the scene in front of her with hawk-like eyes.

Chaeyoung groaned again pulling Jennie closer to her much to the older girl's hidden delight and the youngest shock,creating a frown."Wifey don't leave....."

Jennie laughed "I'm just going to cook.Don't you want to eat?"

Chaeyoung finally felt her stomach growl and decided to finally wake up"Fine..."Jennie sighed in relief ,finally waking the girl since was successfully,which  surprises her since Chaeyoung is very easy to wake up."She must be really tired from yesterday."

Lisa watched Chaeyoung clinging to Jennie like a kaolo which made her a bit jealous.

"Wifey~,Chaeyoung pouted."Carry me".Jennie and Lisa blinked in shock .what on earth was wrong with Chaeyoung?

As much as Jennie likes to do that request,she has to cook,and she can't do that while carrying Chaeyoung and she's not that strong either.It's been awhile since she went to the gym anyway.

I'm afraid I can't hubby......I have to cook".Jennie said apologetically Chaeyoung pouted again and she noticed Lisa staring at them too intently"Lisa!"She greeted her with a bright smile.

"Hey"Lisa was still upset at Chaeyoung for clinging to Jennie.

Chaeyoung doesn't seem to notice and got up from Jennie's bed and lunging to Lisa's back."Carry me please?"

Lisa is surprised at the sudden weight at her back,Chaeyoung's sent being familiar to Lisa's nose but when she felt arms around her neck,she decided to ask "chipmunk are you okay?"

Chaeyoung blinked seriously,you and Jennie are weird.She also asked me if I'm okay which I am.She snuggled to Lisa's hair"Hmmmmm  your hair smells good Lisa".Chaeyoung sighed contently and tightening her hold to the younger girl's neck but not too tight to choke her.

Lisa blushed a bit,just like that  she's not upset with Chaeyoung anymore."Chipmunk's too cute to resist.....

Don't forget to cook unnie!We are starving"Lisa said,her energy coming back before zooming out of Jennie's room,whose owner of the room wasn't pleased on what happened.

Jennie stood up and washed her face before finally cooking,but not before muttering to herself"I really need to go back to the gym soon....."


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