𝙻𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷

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A few weeks before they have their comeback.The girls are rather getting busy now their schedules dueling  day after dayas BLACKPINK members are now home after another grueling preparation for their comeback.

Jisoo plopped down on their couch "I have never felt so tired in my life".Jennie sat beside her with a tired grin. "Not even our debut?"

"Well that too"Jisoo said

"How about PWF and the STAY comeback?"Chaeyoung also said sitting on the couch.Jisoo hummed"Well yeah that too....."

"How about As If It's Your Last?"Lisa butted in.Jisoo glanced at the three of them "Are you guys serious right now?"Jisoo gave them a blank stare.

The three laughed at the eldest while Jisoo crossed her arms at the three "Real funny guys"she said.

"Though what you said is true unnie,"Chaeyoung said staring at their ceiling."Today is really tired.Muscles I don't even know that existed are aching right now".

"Well you should get some rest then because we have another schedule tomorrow"Jisoo sighed taking out her phone and showing them her calendar which was full with schedules.

"Wow,you actually listen to our manager listing our schedules?"Jennie raised her eyebrow at her.

Jisoo shrugged" Is this a bad thing?"

"No,just surprising"

"There's no days off?"Chaeyoung asked frowning

Jennie blinked at her"Just the other day you were so intent on finishing our works,"she pointed at Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung stared at her "Well....you do have a point."

"Well,we do have one day off this week....."Jisoo trailed off before flickering her eyes at Chaeyoung "You want to go out again?"

"Oh no no no no no no you two are staying here at the dorm."Jennie stood up looking irritated Jisoo and curious Chaeyoung "That's a rare day off so we should use it to rest".

Jisoo was about to protest but Chaeyoung started to talk first "Jennie-unnie has a point,we should just rest."She laid her head down at Jisoo's lap and traced patterns on her legs. Jisoo felt goosebumps and hoped that Chaeyoung didn't notice it."Are you okay Chaeyoung?"

"Yeah just tired.....I think I'll go back to my room and rest then",Chaeyoung said

The three girls stared at her as they waited  her to move from Jisoo's lap but then she closed her eyes

"Uhm Chaeyoungie.....I'm not your room"Jisoo said seeing the younger girl so relaxed on her lap.

"It's either that my muscles are aching,"Chaeyoung then opened her eyes and looked at Jisoo "Or your lap is just too comfortable."

Jisoo blushed and bonked her head lightly "Pabo....."She murmured,her heart beating fast again

Chaeyoung grimaced a bit "Ouch,why did you do that?"

"Wait your muscles are aching right?"Lisa suddenly said  then showed a wide smile "Want me to massage them for you?"

Chaeyoung hummed"You have a point...Maybe I'll i-"She was cut off by Jennie "No let me do it.I always give Jisoo my massage and she says it was great."

"Yah!Are you saying that my Thai massage  is not great?"Lisa frowned

"You always give Chaeng your massage and she doesn't feel any better the next day.Maybe I should do it."

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