𝚂𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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Jennie snuggled to Chaeyoung and sighed contentedly,this is probably one of the most comfortable sleeping that she had throughout her life.Well all of her comfortable sleeping always involved the girl she;s cuddling with.She looked at the sleeping Chaeyoung with a small smile,memorizing her features and falling for each one of them

"Why are you so prefect hubby....."Jennie whispered,softly touching her cheek.She seriously hoped that Jisoo and Lisa would cook more but she knows that's  impossible since they are probably cursing her right now for taking advantage of the situation with the girl they all like.Being away from them felt really lonely when she had  a shooting for the Chanel,but if it resulted in a cuddling night with Chaeyoung,she would take it every day if it meant to go home with her hubby right beside her.

"God I'm so whipped..."Jennie sighed,only Chaeyoung can make her like this.....She kept stroking her cheek,savoring this moment "Hmm...I wonder when will her mood change?"She remembered that Lazy Chaeyoung is kind of.....irritating cute?But it's really irritating when Chaeyoung is lazy,as much as she liked cuddling session because of that mood,She wants Chaeyoung to be back to her old self now

"Maybe to her clingy self?"Jennie hoped she is going to make sure she's going to hog Chaeyoung all to herself when they're in the dorm.Rumors might spread if she gets too clingy YG is going to toast them so that they could be careful.

"Jennie..."Chaeyoung whispered,her sleepy and husky voice ran through Jennie' ears like music

Jennie smiled softly "Good Morning Chaeng"

Chaeyoung smiled back "Good Morning"

Jennie giggled at her cuteness and couldn't help herself,she hugged Chaeyoung close to her chest and breathed her hair,which smells so like her "I don't want to go outside right now.I hope we can stay like this forever"Jennie's voice muffled by Chaeyoung's hair making the girl tilt her head in confusion "What is it unnie?"

Jennie shook her head "Nothing.."She said contentedly "Let's just stay like this for a while."

Chaeyoung slowly nodded ,her mind still sleepy so she decided to close her eyes and just continued sleeping....besides,being covered in Jennie's warmth is quite comfortable and relaxing...Like he can protect Chaeyoung from all life's problems.

"I like that..."Chaeyoung thought and immediately went back asleep along with Jennie

They fell asleep for a bit but a certain someone slowly opened the door to peek and to do her job that is waking up the other members

"This is so unfair..."Lisa grumbled,seeing the two cuddled up again "Why does Chaeyoung always allow Jennie to cuddle her?Why is it always her?Why isn't she like that to us...to me?"Jealousy clouded Lisa's thoughts and shouted with all her might

"Wake up!!!!!!!"

She added in by jumping at the bed up and down making Chaeyoung's bed squeak effectively waking up the two cuddling girls.

"What the Hell Lalisa"Jennie glared at the jumping maknae "Do you really need to jump like that?!"

Lisa glared back "You two are lost in your own world that I just have to do that to wake you guys up reality."

Chaeyoung opened her eyes,also woken up from the aggressive move of the maknae "Why'd you do that for?"She yawned,not noticing the glaring of the to girls.

"We're having a good sleep and of course you'd had to ruin that"Jennie rolled her eyes and tightening her hold to Chaeyoung

"Let go of her!"Lisa fumed but Jennie just smirked and stuck her tongue out.Lisa swore she felt smokes coming out from her ears and switched her glare at Chaeyoung "And you!"

Chaeyoung was taken aback "Me?"

"Why are you letting her cuddle with you!"Lisa scoffed "You're always accepting to Jennie-unnie but you're so unfair to me!Why can't you just let me cuddle with you!Why is it always Jennie! Is it because she's your wifey?"

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