𝙲𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚢 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸

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When,breakfast was ready,Chaeyoung sat next to Jisoo then she noticed the distance between them .She didn't know why she felt this need to have some kind of contact someone so chaeyoung decided to follow her heart.

"Unnie you're too far".

Chaeyoung moved her seat much closer to Jisoo,to the point of their arms brushing against each other.Jisoo tried to ignore the electricity shooting up throughout her body when Chaeyoung's arm brushed hers"Uhm...Chaeyoungiee you're being too close......"

She's right Chaeyoung,you should move a bit farther away". Jennie said ratherly emotionlessly.

I don't think Jisoo-unnie mind".Chaeyoung smiled an innocently smile and looked at Jisoo"Do you?"

"I uhm...."Jisoo with hesitance on her voice.A part of her is perfectly fine being this close to her and the other part is screaming to tell her to go farther due to the overwhelming feeling that she is getting hard stares Lisa and Jennie being directed to her"Aish why am I being a coward?"Jisoo scoffed and with a bold move,she pulled Chaeyoung closer to her waist."There now no more complaints".

Lisa rolled her eyes"How are you going to eat with you two being glued to each other?".A bit of sassiness can be heard in her voice.

Jisoo smirked"I can manage."Then she glanced at Chaeyoung."And I think Chaeyoungiee can manage too".

Unfortunately for the both of them,they saw chaeyoung eating perfectly fine like she isn't so close to her right now.So they huffed and just ate the breakfast with no complaints,Jisoo grinned viciously "Chaesoo:1"she thought and started eating with a grin enjoying Jennie and Lisa's fierce stares.

"That was delicious"Chaeyoung said happily,unconsciously making the three girls smile at her.She stood up and placed a quick kiss on Jennie's cheek"Thanks for cooking for us unnie!"You're the best cook ever!"Chaeyoung complained her before skipping away towards the living room to use her phone.

Jennie blushed and finished eating"So who is going to wash the dishes?"She said fanning her red cheeks.

"Don't look at me."Jisoo said so Jennie turned to the dreading maknae.

Lisa pouted "Please don't do the let me do the dishes?"she said with her aegyo voice.Jennie and Jisoo agreed on one thing.

"Yup,you're doing the dishes"


Chaeyoung decided to use their instagram account through it,seeing some blinks comments and giggling at them "Blinks are so cute....."Then she felt the couch shift beside her and saw Lisa flopping down.

"Why so tired?"Chaeyoung smiled in amusement seeing the exaggerated look of the maknae."Jennie and Jisoo made me do the dishes....."

Chaeyoung laughed"That's it?"

"Yah!I'm still tried for carrying you earlier!"

Chaeyoung turned off her phone and hugged Lisa."Sorry,forgive me please?"She jutted her bottom lip out to a pout,melting Lisa's heart in seconds."I-It's okay chipmunk........"Lisa stuttered.Chaeyoung giggled"You're being weird.Why are you shy for?"Lisa just looked away from her since she was blushing at the cute proximity again,she wasn't used to Chaeyoung being clingy to her since it was the usually other way around.

"Yeah normal for best friend to be clingy to each other sometimes right?"Lisa thought  and decided to follow her heart"I'm going to take a nap......................do you want to join me?"Lisa asked while Chaeyoung agreed eagerly"I could use some cuddling time",she answered.

Lisa decided to be the big spoon since the couch was large enough for the both of them,the two fitted like a puzzle as Chaeyoung sighed and snuggled to Lisa,her back at Lisa's front as she was the little spoon.

Lisa's breath at Chaeyoung's hair smelling lavender in it,lulling to  and feeling Chaeyoung's slow breathing made her more sleepier"I hope you're always like this chaeyoung-ah"Lisa mumbled while Chaeyoung grunted as both of them drifted to sleep."I like it when your close to me".


It was now afternoon and Jisoo was bored playing the same games with her phone"Hmmm...Maybe I should go outside but who should I bring with me?"Then a light bulb appeared in her head Chaeyoungie!That will show Lisa that we do go on dates!"

She excitedly went out of her room and entered Chaeyoung's room.Chaeyoungie?Let's go out!"but she answered with silence seeing the girl not in her room.

Maybe she's in the living room?Jisoo mumbled to herself before going to the living room.She was correct but the sight in her doesn't seem to be pleasing her.There she saw Lisa spooning Chaeyoung as she slept soundly."Well,Aren't they enjoying their day off"Jisoo said,with a hint of sarcasm hinted in her voice.She didn't know why,but seeing the two like that made her insides twisted especially seeing chaeyoung peaceful face.

Deciding to be selfish for once,she shook chaeyoung to wake her up"Thank God Lisa is a heavy sleeper."

"Unnie?"Chaeyoung mumbled,her husky voice from being woke up from her slumber.Jisoo blushed and cleared her throat to steady her voice"Uhm want I to go out? Do you want to come with me?"

Why didn't you ask Jennie-unnie?Chaeyoung asked questioningly.

Well we always go to dates and she is also asleep.This time I want to go with you since we rarely hang out outside".Jisoo said honestly since it was true that Jennie and her always go to dates when the maknae became annoying in their dorm.

Chaeyoung grinned"Sure unnie!I'm going to change,you should too"She snuck out of Lisa's grasp and before she went to her room,she kissed Lisa's forehead while Lisa mumbling"Chaeyoung-ah stop teasing my forehead...."

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