𝚁𝚞𝚍𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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Jennie stretched her arms as Kuma licked her cheek "Good morning to yo too Kuma"She chuckled.She decided to open her phone and look through some posts that BLINKS have posted.

As expected,after Chaeyoung's stunt on their V-Live,Chaelisa,Chaesoo,and Chaennie fans are having  war right now.Jennie chuckled seeing them fight on who is the most superior ship and all of it seems to be even,but they don't have enough evidence on who is the most superior especially when Chaeyoung kissed all of them on the cheek.They were starting to even tag Chaeyoung to the video where she kissed all three of them and asking her who is it really the member she's close with.

"Heck even she's getting the title playgirl right now"Jennie chuckled.She went out of her room and sensed that the other two were sleeping,so she decided to wake up her hubby before the others,probably help her cook some breakfast along the way.

"Hubby!"Jennie entered Chaeyoung's room whose owner is still  fast asleep at her own bed.Jennie smiled and went closer to her.

"Hubby wake up"Jennie started to gently shake her awake."Chaeyoung groaned,swatting Jennie's hand away "Go away"

Jennie blinked,her tone seems......different

"Don't tell me she changed moods again?"

"Chaeyoung it's morning,want to help me cook breakfast?"

Chaeyoung groaned and rose up,running a hand down her bed hair before shooting  an annoyed look at Jennie"You woke me up....for that?"She asked harshly,not too pleased for being awoken from he slumber"Can't you cook by yourself?"

Jennie felt a pang of hurt at the unusually harsh tone  of the usually bubbly member of the group"W-well if you don't want to,I can cook by myself"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and stood up "Whatever.You already woke me up,I doubt I'll be able to get some sleep"

"I'm sorry I guess?"Jennie said in her soft voice. Chaeyoung looked at her and sighed "Come on,Let's go cook already"

Jennie nodded meekly,her head down feeling disappointed at herself and followed Chaeyoung out of her room.

"Geez don't be down,"Chaeyoung remarked, "Did what I say really hurt you?"She said a bit mockingly.

Jennie just looked away,Chaeyoung frowned "Where's the badass  Jennie I know?"She shook her head and prepared some ingredients for their breakfast "That Jennie I know would probably toast me off by now"She chuckled.

Jennie blinked her eyes and shook her head to compose herself "She's right I shouldn't be too affected" If Lisa or Jisoo have been the ones who said that,she'd imminently bark back.She shouldn't be too affected just because she likes Chaeyoung besides,Chaeyoung might've changed her mood.

"What's got you so cranky  in the morning?"Jennie stated,confidence going back to her as she opened the stove."Woke up on the wrong side of bed?"

"Not really"Chaeyoung said "A certain someone woke me up"

"Well that's good then"Jennie sent out a smirk "That someone must be really thoughtful enough to wake you up.Who knows you might want to just stay in dreamland"Jennie said "You should be thanking her for waking you up to reality".

Jennie felt herself smile when she heard Chaeyoung chuckled and responded with a smirk on her own "Whatever dork"


"Guys breakfast is ready!"Jennie called out.She heard shuffling and the two other members came out of their respective rooms.

"Good morning"Jisoo yawned before dragging herself towards the table.Lisa also yawned and clung to Chaeyoung's arm "Good morning Chipmunk~"

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