Chapter #14: Crying like Rain

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Kristin was dying of guilt. She wanted to be with him and make him feel her presence in that hard time but she wasn't with him. He never blamed her for anything. Kristin returned disappointed from Simon's home as they didnt know where he was.


Ryan and Duke had already left the town. They were sent away until that matter was solved. Duke wasn't guilty to murder an innocent life. He was stone hearted.


Officer Jeff and whesper were at their house to stop the investigation. Officer Jeff knew that they were helpless and he couldnt do anything for them. All because of that .357 Magnum cartridge.

"Sir!! Ryan and Duke were his classmate. Noman confessed that they shot her and now they are out of town" Whesper informed him.

Officer Jeff and Whesper were sitting in their police vehicle while staring at their house as they had parked the car outside their house.

Officer Jeff was wearing black glasses while one hand on steering wheel.

"His confession is of no use you know that" Officer Jeff answered him while still staring their house and observing CSI Unit.


"Drive me to the boys" Officer Jeff ordered him..

"Sir!! He is in his neighbors. Can reach him by foot" Whesper told him.

"Okay let's go" as he went out of the car and started walking towards Simon's house. Whesper opened the door on the other side and rapidly started walking along him.

Officer Jeff was walking to his neighbors. He saw team his forensic team walking out of the house as one of them closed the door. They were wearing Personal protective clothes that are used to prevent contaminating the crime scene. He waved his hands to them as he was calling them.

They approached him. One of the CSI acknowldge him

"Sir we have some hair DNA along with some blood which was not of the victim".

"Anything you wanna tell me more" he asked him.

"Yes Sir!! We also have fingerprints of people present at the crime scene" he answered him.

"Okay!! Mmmm burn the reports and destroy the evidence or any clue" he answered him as he was wearing black glasses and they couldnt distinguish where he was looking.

"But Sirr!!!" One of CSI unit team man cross talked him.

And before he could continue Officer Jeff told him

"It's an order not a request. Do as I say you are my team" he ordered them with anger in his voice.

"Are we clear" he confirmed.

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