Chapter 2- Flowers

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Julie's POV

Nick whipped his head around when he heard me say his name. He slowly walked towards me, a strange grin on his face as he offered me the flowers. I shook it off, and took it as him being awkward due to his confession.

"Thanks," I said as I took the flowers. I smiled at Nick, and he smiled back, but it was still a little creepy.

"I just wanted to congratulate you on your spectacular performance last night," he said, still smiling. I bit my lip. Since when does Nick talk like that?

"Thanks, but you don't want to know what happened before the show," I said, laughing. "I was so nervous."

"Well, you did amazing," Nick said, his creepy smile growing wider.

"Thank you... um, do you want to come in?" I asked, a little uncertainly. Nick nodded.

"Could I? I want to talk to you," he said.

Oh no, I thought. I hope he's not going to try to ask me out again or something...

"Well, come on in!" I said, stepping aside so Nick could enter my house. He walked in and I lead him to the kitchen, where I put the flowers he brought in a tall vase.

"Can I get you some water or something? I asked, leaning on the counter.

"No, I just want to ask you about your band," he said, staring at his hands.

Oh. Well, at least he's not asking me out again, I thought, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Okay, well, what do you want to know?" I asked, walking around the corner to where Nick was standing. He grinned again.

"Well, where are they from? I don't notice any accent... although, I do know some people lose their accents when they sing," Nick said, scratching the back of his head. I racked my brain. Where did I tell Flynn they were from again...?

"Oh, they're from Sweden!" I said, smiling widely. "Although, they spent a lot of their childhood in America, which is why they don't have an accent." That was probably an awful lie, but Nick was creeping me out too much for me to be able to think straight.

"Oh. Have you ever met them in person?" He asked, taking a step closer to me. I bit my lip nervously.

"Y-yeah, that's how we met in the first place. They were visiting family, and I... well, they, bumped into me in a store, we started talking about music, I got their phone numbers, and we started to write songs... anyways, that's... about... it..." I said uncertainly. Nick took another step closer. I stepped back.

"Hmm. I seem to remember you being to scared to even talk about music before you met them," Nick said, walking towards me.

"Well, I was still a little shy at school..." I said, backpedaling until my back was against the wall. Nick put his hand on the wall next to my head.

"Um, w-was there anything else you needed?" I squeaked in a small voice. That seemed to snap Nick out of his trance, and he jerked his hand back.

"Sorry, I... yeah, that's it. I'll... I'll see myself out." He muttered, walking towards the front door. I stayed frozen in my place against the wall, and when I heard the door swing shut, I let go of the breath that I didn't know I was holding and slid down the wall, my hands shaking.

I sat there against the wall, terrified. Why was Nick acting like that? No matter how awkward his confession might have been, he'd never do anything to put me in that position.

I realized it was getting hard to breathe. I was panicking so much, I didn't hear the footsteps until I was already being pulled into someone's arms. I looked up and, through my shaky breaths, managed to whisper,

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