Chapter 7- Perfect Harmony

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Julie's POV

After my encounter in the hallway with Luke, the rest of the school day was a blur. I didn't participate in any of my classes (thank god I didn't have any tests) and I barely spoke to Flynn, which she definitely noticed.

But I couldn't help it! How can a girl just... forget about an interaction like that? My arms still tingled from Luke's touch, and I could still feel his warm breath on my face when I closed my eyes. It was like sparks were flying, and I could tell Luke could feel it, too.

"Julie! Snap out of it!" I jumped at the sound of Flynn's loud voice right next to me ear. I let out a long breath and put a hand on my chest as Flynn cocked her hip out to one side, with a look on her face that said you've been ignoring me all day and I want to know why and I want to know now.

"Sorry," I said, opening my locker. Flynn huffed out a sigh full of disapproval.

"Jules, why have you been spacing out on me all day?" She asked, crossing her arms. I sighed and started putting my things away, as the school day would end in a few minutes.

"There's just been a lot on my mind," I said. Flynn raised her eyebrows.

"Like what? You were fine this morning when we walked to school and during homeroom, but when you got to third period you were a completely different person!" She said as I grabbed my backpack out of my locker. "So what in the world happened in between homeroom and third period?"

"I, um, just got new ideas for a song," I said, smiling as I took my sweatshirt out of my bag. Flynn's eyes narrowed.

"I'm your best friend. I know when you're lying," she stated, slamming my locker shut, causing me to jump. "So spill. Now."

I sighed, knowing that there was no getting out of it.

"Okay, fine. Luke visited me after homeroom, okay?" I said, opening my locker again to put the last of my books away. Flynn stumbled for a minute, almost falling over.

"What? He came here?" She asked, her eyes bulging out of her head. "Did anyone see him?" I groaned. Even though I had explained Flynn the whole I-can-touch-the-guys-and-they-can-be-seen-when-they-feel-like-it situation, she didn't seem to understand that they stayed visible to only me most of the time.

"No, no one saw him... but our homeroom teacher did see me standing alone in the hallway like weirdo," I said, closing my locker. Flynn pursed her lips, deep in thought, before breaking out into a sly smile.

"So what did Luke say that made you daydream about him for the rest of the day?" She asked in a teasing tone.

"It wasn't what he said more than what he did," I mumbled, swinging my backpack over my shoulder. Flynn let out a dramatic gasp.

"Omg! Did he kiss you?" She exclaimed. My eyes widened and I slapped my hand over her mouth, but it was too late- almost everyone in the hallway was staring at me. I cursed under my breath and took my hand away from Flynn's mouth.

"Not so loud," I whispered, ushering her to a different hallway. "And no, he didn't kiss me- but he almost did." Flynn smiled widely. 

"Jules, he totally likes you!" She said, squealing in excitement. I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding? He probably didn't even notice how close we were standing," I said. "And he was about to say something when our teacher interrupted, but I highly doubt it was anything romantic." Flynn just stared at me like I was the stupidest person on earth.

"You are so blind," she scoffed before walking away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I called.

"Home!" She shouted back. "I can't afford to be around this stupidity any longer!" I sighed. No matter how much I wanted it to be true, Luke didn't like me. And even if he did, there was no way it could work. I'm alive, he's... well, not. I'd grow old and die and he would just stay seventeen forever. Why even bother, when I'm just going to get hurt in the end?

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