Chapter 20- Set His Soul Free

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Alex's POV

Luke returned from whatever he and Julie had been doing under that slab of drywall. Under any other circumstances I'd smirk and make a witty remark, but since we were trying to be killed by a murder-happy dead magician, I just made a mental note to ask Luke about it later. 

I jumped as I heard a piece of rubble hit the floor only a few feet away from me, making a loud booming sound. Dust was falling from the ceiling and the floor was still shaking like there was a giant earthquake.

We'd better hurry, or soon we'll be crushed like pancakes, I thought, looking over at Luke and Reggie, who were trying to keep their balance.

We were getting closer to Caleb, poofing in and out as we dodged his smoke while trying to keep our footing and avoid falling debris. My heart almost stopped when Luke just managed to dodge the smoke and a chunk of the ceiling at the same time. I let out a sigh of relief when he popped back to his feet, glaring intensely at Caleb.

I ducked as a pillar of smoke shot over my head and into the wall behind me, which was already letting in a slight breeze due to the holes in the building. The wall creaked and groaned, threatening to collapse.

"Alex, look out!" I heard Luke yell. I jumped aside as another blast of smoke just nearly missed me. It was so close that I felt the wind rush past me and ruffle my hair.

I put a hand over my chest. That was too close.

"Thanks," I said. Luke nodded, his eyes not breaking away from Caleb.

I watched as Caleb smirked, curling his fingers towards the palm of his hand. The smoke stopped immediately and dissolved into thin air. I furrowed my brow in confusion and worry. What was he doing?

Caleb floated off the ground, just like he had done the first time we saw him in the Hollywood Ghost Club. I shuddered as I remembered how in awe we were.

Caleb held out his hand and all of a sudden, as if it wasn't moving enough already, the floor began to tilt.

"Whoa!" Reggie yelled as he fell into me, pinning us against the wall- which was also moving.

I winced as I saw Luke hit the wall hard, causing more cracks to spread.

I shoved Reggie off me and tried to stand, but the floor was slanted so much now that a fell right back into the wall.

After a few more seconds, I realized that I was now laying flat on the ground- which was the wall?

Caleb had somehow managed to tip the entire building on its side in a matter of seconds.

Luke, Reggie and I scrambled to our feet to see Caleb floating closer to us, grinning wickedly.

"You boys really think you can beat me here? On my own turf?" He snarled. I watched as a piece of the ceiling that fell right above where he was floating broke clean in half, falling on either side of him and causing dust to fly into the air.

"In case you haven't noticed, your turf is collapsing," Luke said, jumping out of the way of more falling debris.

"In case you haven't noticed, Luke, I'm a magician," Caleb replied. "I can rebuild this place with a snap of my fingers."

I gasped as the floor cracked beneath me. Oh. Right. It was the wall. The wall that was already unstable from all the purple smoke beatings it took. My eyes widened. 


I was cut off by a crumbling sound. I watched in horror as Reggie yelped in shock, the wall crumbling beneath his feet. 

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