Chapter 8- Carrie Comes Around

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Julie's POV

"Julie! Wake up!"

I yelped and shot up in bed, my eyes flying open. Flynn was standing next my bed, a green flyer in her hand. I looked over at my alarm clock.

5:03 a.m.?

"Flynn!" I groaned, rubbing my eyes. "What are you doing here so early? We don't have to get up for school for another hour!" Flynn shoved the flyer in my face as a response.

"Look!" She exclaimed as I took the paper from her hands. "You got another gig!" My eyes widened.

"Wow, that's great, Flynn!" I said, scanning over the paper. Flynn immediately snatched it back, an annoyed look on her face.

"That's your reaction? I was hoping for a little more enthusiasm because you're playing the Orpheum! AGAIN!" My jaw dropped and I scrambled out of bed.

"Wait, are you serious?" I yelled. "They want us back there again?" Flynn nodded aggressively.

"Yeah, and you're not opening for another band this time- another band is opening for you!" I squealed and danced around my room.

"Wow! This is insane!" I shouted, giving Flynn a bone crushing hug. "I can't believe this!" Flynn laughed and hugged me back. I really couldn't believe it. When had we gotten so popular that the people at the Orpheum wanted us as the main event?!?

"Julie, what in the world is going on?" My dad said angrily as he swung the door open. Flynn and I froze as he walked into the room.

"Flynn, why are you here so early?" He asked, giving us his "angry eyes," as Carlos calls them.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Molina, but Julie's band is going to be the main event at the Orpheum next Friday!" Flynn said, untangling herself from the hug. Dad's eyes widened.

"Seriously? Wow that's amazing, Julie!" he laughed, rushing forward to give me a hug. I giggled and patted him on the back.

My dad suddenly stiffened and cleaned his throat.

"But no more screaming at 5 a.m., okay?" He said sternly. "And Flynn, you're not allowed here before seven unless you're sleeping over." Flynn and I looked at the ground and nodded sheepishly.

"Okay, good," my dad said, before breaking out into another smile. "The Orpheum again! Woo!" He exclaimed as he left the room. Flynn and I looked at each other and laughed quietly before going in for another hug. I couldn't wait to tell the guys-

Oh my gosh. I have to tell the guys. I jumped away from the hug, my eyes wide.

"I gotta go tell the guys!" I told Flynn before rushing out of my room.

"Wait! What if they don't want to be woken up this early?"

"They can deal with it!"

I reached the bottom of the stairs and ran outside, excited to see the boys' reaction. When I reached the studio, I flung the doors open to see Luke, Alex, and Reggie sleeping soundly on their air mattresses.

I rushed over to Luke and swiped his pillow from under his head, which fell limp, crashing onto the mattress.

"Ahhhh!" He let out an ever-so-masculine scream, jumping off the mattress and to his feet. His shriek woke Alex and Reggie, who immediately jumped up as well, looking around wildly.

"What's going on?" Reggie yelled. "I thought I heard a little girl scream!" I burst out laughing when Luke gave Reggie an offended look. The boys whipped their heads around, and once they noticed me, they sent their most hurtful death glares in my direction. I smirked, crossing my arms across my chest.

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