Chapter 21- From The Dust

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Julie's POV

I squinted from behind the slab of drywall when Alex pulled a jar out of his Fanny pack. I was confused. I never thought he used that Fanny pack for anything other than a strange fashion statement.

I saw a purple, swirling light inside the jar, and my curiosity intensified. What was that?

Whatever it was, Caleb seemed like he wasn't expecting to see it, because his eyes widened as Alex lifted the jar above his head and screamed,


I gasped when I saw Alex chuck the jar on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

The purple light floated out of the jar, and after hovering in mid air for a moment, it zoomed right into Willie's chest.

I watched as Willie took in a raspy breath, his body trembling. Alex leaned down to comfort him, and after a few moments, Willie straightened up and smiled. Then I saw Caleb diving towards Alex again.

I gasped and clapped my hand over my mouth, hopping on my good leg, when Willie stepped in front of him and hit Caleb with his skateboard.


"You can't control me anymore," Willie said. "For the first time in years, I can do what I want!"

I watched in satisfaction as Caleb let out a frustrated yell.

The smile slid off my face, however, when Caleb shot another pillar of smoke into the wall I was only a few yards away from. I gasped as I looked up and saw the wall start to fall apart. I quickly limped back under the piece of drywall and watched in terror as the wall began to fall, huge pieces of debris smashing into the floor a few feet in front of me.

I gasped as something hit the drywall I was using as shelter, causing it to crack and almost sag. I looked up and saw the wall coming towards me fast. I let out a loud scream and squeezed my eyes shut, covering my face with my hands as I heard the broken building get closer and closer...


Luke's POV

When the dust settled, time seemed to stop. I stared, frozen in place, at the spot Julie's makeshift shelter had stood just seconds ago. From somewhere under all the rubble, Julie continued to scream.

Her screams were filled with agony and pain, and they practically ripped a hole in my heart.

"JULIE!" I yelled, jumping over pieces of rubble as I sprinted towards the screams. When I got to the source of the screams, I frantically started digging through the debris, trying to reach Julie. I threw pieces of the building aside, some of it crumbling in my hands.

After a few minutes of digging, I saw one of Julie's personalized tennis shoes sticking out from under a large piece of drywall. I grabbed it and threw it aside to reveal a very bloody, very mangled leg. My blood ran cold.

"Julie!" I cried in terror, throwing the remaining pieces of rubble off of the girl who stole my heart. When I finally saw her, my heart stopped and I suddenly found it hard to breath.

She was covered head to toe in dust and drywall, and the hem of her red dress was ripped to pieces. Tears made clean streaks through the dust on her face, running into her hair.

I gently grabbed Julie's shoulders and pulled her into a sitting position. She immediately screamed again, and when I realized why I felt nauseous. Her leg was still being crushed.

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