Chapter 17- Hope

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Julie's POV

I don't know how long I laid on the ground crying, but it must have been hours. The room was silent, filled only by my shaking sobs.

There was a puddle of tears on the ground near my head that was making my ear wet- but I barely noticed it. I was too busy replaying the recent events in my head.

The broken look on they guys's faces when they saw the illusion. Their wails that pierced my heart. The way they collapsed, their limbs going limp. All over me. Because they thought I was dead.

I remember the look on Luke's face. He looked dead. In all the time I had known him, he had the glow of life in his eyes, even if he was technically dead. But now...

I let out a shaky breath when I heard a ghost poof into the room. 


I looked up at Willie as he ran towards me. He stopped when he saw my tear-streaked face.

"What happened?" He asked frantically, falling to his knees next to me. "Did Caleb hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine," I said, wiping my tears and shaking my head. I surprised myself with how steady my voice sounded. Willie didn't look convinced, but he let it go.

"Okay," he said slowly. "Anyways, I came to check on you."

I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

"I'm good. Thanks," I said, knowing I'd break down again the minute he left. 

"You sure?" Willie asked. "'Cause all that crying kinda made it seem like you're not fine."

I glared at him.

"Are you really trying to question a woman while she's in a mood?"

That did the trick. Willie fell backwards, almost hitting his head on the ground.

"No ma'am," he said nervously. 

I let out a small laugh, but it wasn't very genuine. There were still other things plaguing my mind. I needed to know that my boys were safe... and I needed to know that Nick was safe...

"Wait!" I said, my eyes widening. Willie looked at me expectantly.

"My friend, Nick! Caleb was possessing him, but he- he took Nick and poofed away, I don't know where-"

Willie put his hand on my shoulder to stop my rant.

"I'll find him," he said confidently. "But I need to talk to Alex and the others first. Do you have any idea where they are?"

Mentioning the guys made the tears threaten to fall again. I pushed them back and said,

"Yeah. They're in that room, right on the other side of the wall." I jabbed my finger at the wall that had been tinted glass not too long ago. Willie looked at it in surprise.

"They're here? Okay, well that makes this a lot easier," he said, starting to stand up- but I reached forward and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thank you," I whispered. Willie patted me on the back as he returned the hug.

"For what?"

"For trying to help us. Thank you."

Willie pulled back, smiling.

"Any time," he said, before standing up, giving me a salute, and poofing out.

The waterworks came almost immediately. I sat with my back against the wall as I cried- but my sobs were quieter and I didn't shake as much, because I knew that Willie would help the boys. It brought me a tiny bit of comfort as I sat there, alone, in the bare room.

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