Chapter 24- Home Again

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Julie's POV

The guys and I stayed in our little huddle on the ground for what felt like forever- and still, when we pulled away, it wasn't long enough.

I leaned back and sniffed as my eyes got glossy. I looked among my three boys, happier in that moment that I had been since my mom died. I looked around at their smiling, wet faces and suddenly I felt whole again.

"So... what now?" I asked. Luke and Alex raised their eyebrows questionably as Reggie slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Now we go home, silly!" He exclaimed, ruffling my hair. "Your family, and Flynn, are probably super worried."

"Ouch- Reggie, you're choking-" I stopped in mid sentence and narrowed my eyes.

"Wait, why would they be worried?"

The guys looked at each other awkwardly, scratching the back of their heads.

"Well... we may have told your dad everything," Alex said in a high pitched voice. My jaw dropped.

"WHAT?!?" I screeched, slapping all of them on their shoulders. They let out small protests as I sat back, fuming. Why in the world would they tell my dad? 

"Why would you do that?" I asked angrily. "Why would you put my dad through that amount of stress and worry? I don't want-" I stopped and took in a shaky breath, the memory popping up in my head. They boys' faces changed from guilt to worry.

"Jules? You okay?" Luke asked quietly, placing his hand on my shoulder. I bit my lip and looked down.

"It's just... the last time I saw him worried- and I mean super worried- was when my mom was sick," I said in a small voice. "I don't want to see him like that... ever again."

I heard the boys suck in sharp breathes around me, but I didn't pick my head up until their arms wrapped around me again.

"We're sorry, Jules," Luke mumbled into my ear. "We didn't mean..." he trailed off and I put my hand on his arm comfortingly.

"It's okay," I said softly as the three of them disbanded from the hug. I smiled brightly at the three of them. I had never felt so grateful to have them before. They were more than my band, more than my friends- they were my family.

Although, my friends were pretty awesome, too. Flynn was great- of course- and so was Nick when-

"Nick!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening. Oh no. What had happened to him when the building collapsed?

Ignoring the dark look that crossed Luke's face (I'd talk to him about it later), I jumped to my feet and hopped on my good leg across the crumbled floor. I hopped over to where I knew the red door had been and began desperately digging through the rubble.

After a few minutes of digging, I finally uncovered Nick. His eyes were closed and he wasn't moving.

I pressed my fingers to his neck and breathed a sigh of relief when I felt his heartbeat.

"Nick," I said, shaking him gently. He moaned and squeezed his eyes tightly, as if the daylight was hurting them.

"Julie?" He mumbled, slowly sitting up. I helped him up, keeping my hand on his back in case he fell.

"Hey," I said quietly as he blinked rapidly.

"What happened? The last thing I remember was the building collapsing, and-"

Nick gasped, his eyes wide.

"Are you okay? Is your band okay? What happened to that Caleb guy?" He asked, looking around wildly.

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