Chapter 5- The Dream Box

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Luke's POV

I turned my head and saw Alex and Reggie standing next to the bed, shock written all over their faces.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I asked, still not moving. Alex and Reggie narrowed their eyes.

"We came to wake up Julie, her dad just made breakfast," Reggie said, "but it's your turn. Why are you in bed with Julie?" My eyes widened as I felt a blush spread across my face.

"You see, I was- um, I mean-"

"You'd better come up with a better explanation then that before I kill you," Alex said, his big brother mode kicking in. I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm already dead," I pointed out.

"My threat still stands."

"Luke," Reggie said, "you went to sleep in the studio at the same time we did. So why did you sneak into Julie's room in the middle of the night like a creep and get into her bed?"

I looked down and realized my hands were still wrapped around Julie's waist. I quickly removed them and pried my shirt out of Julie's fingers. I was sure my face was bright red.

"I didn't sneak," I explained, getting off the bed. "I woke up hungry, so I went to get a snack, and then I heard Julie scream from a nightmare. I went to see if she was okay, and she asked me to stay with her. End of story." Alex and Reggie still didn't look fully convinced, but they seemed to be less angry.

"Alright, fine. We'll see if that matches Julie's story," Reggie said, walking over to the still sleeping Julie. He reached out and lightly shook her shoulder. "Julie?" The girl in question slowly opened her eyes, groaning.

"What?" She mumbled, shutting her eyes again.

"It's time for breakfast, your dad told Alex and I to come get you," Reggie said. Julie groaned again and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Where's Luke?" She asked. I felt my heart rate pick up as Reggie and Alex eyed me suspiciously.

"Why?" Alex asked, not taking his eyes off of me. Julie's eyes were still closed, so she hadn't realized I was still there.

"I had a bad dream, and he stayed with me... did he already go downstairs?" She asked, stretching her arms above her head. Reggie sighed.

"Fine, your story checks out," he said, glaring at me. Julie whipped her head around, a confused look on her face.

"What stor- Luke?" She had just noticed me, her eyes going wide when she saw me standing next to her bed.

"Hi," I said shyly. Julie gave me a small smile before climbing out of bed. When she walked by her desk, I noticed her dream box placed on top of a stack of textbooks, not in it's usual place on her bookshelf.

Curiosity filled my body, but before I could begin my internal debate on whether or not I should come back later to go through the box, Julie spoke up.

"Come on guys, let's go get breakfast," she said, walking around Alex (as she could no longer go straight through him) and opening the door. Reggie, Alex and I followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen, which was filled with the delicious smell of bacon and toast. Julie's dad and Carlos were already sitting at the table.

"Good morning Julie!" Ray said as we walked to the table. 

"Morning, Papi!" Julie said, kissing him on the cheek before sliding into her chair. Since Reggie, Alex and I were now eating with them, Ray had put away their small circular table and replaced it with a longer one.

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