Chapter 18- Reunion

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Julie's POV

Willie had only been gone for less than a minute when Caleb poofed into the room. I glared at him as he walked towards me, an angry look in his eyes. I was terrified, but I didn't let it show. I had more important things to worry about, like convincing the boys I was alive. 

Caleb's feet stopped right in front of me. I looked up at him.

"Has Willie been in here?" He snarled, leaning down to look me in the face at eye level.

"Who?" I asked, playing dumb. Caleb growled and grabbed my elbow, yanking me to my feet.

"Oh yeah, I think I know who you're talking about," I said, tapping my chin once I regained my balance. "He's Alex's boyfriend, right? I've never met him, but he seems like a nice dude-"

"Shut up!" Caleb snapped. I cowered back as his grip on my elbow tightened- but I was smirking in my head, glad that I was getting under Caleb's skin. I knew he couldn't hurt me, so the least I could do is try to make him regret kidnapping me by making the time he spent with me a living hell.

All of a sudden, Caleb poofed out, taking me with him. Just before we left the room, though, I could have sworn I heard the sound of another ghost poofing in. Who could that be?

I didn't have any time to think about it, though, because suddenly I wasn't in the bare room anymore. Caleb and I were in the backstage area, which was a lot more empty and spacious then it had been before.

Caleb dragged me behind a costume rack, throwing me to the ground. My knee collided with the shiny floor hard, and I felt a sharp pain shoot up my leg. I gritted my teeth. I wouldn't let Caleb know I was in pain.

Caleb snapped his fingers and a gag appeared in my mouth. My hands and feet were tied together with a thick rope. I struggled as he walked away, but I couldn't seem to get free. I groaned internally. I had been tied up more times in the last two hours then I ever had in my life (which is a good thing- if I had been tied up before that'd be a little concerning).

"Hello, boys. I see you've broken out."

I stiffened and peeked through a pink furry costume and saw Caleb standing in one side of the room, and the guys at the other. My eyes widened. Had Willie busted them out?

"Where's Julie?" Luke yelled. If the gag wasn't in my mouth, it would have fell open. They knew I was alive!

"She's close," Caleb answered. I watched as Luke, Alex and Reggie glared at him. I felt a sudden rush of emotion. I loved them all so much (though Luke a little... differently) and I couldn't believe they were going through all of this just to get me back. They really were the best band I could ask for.

"Tell us where she is right now," Alex snarled. I was startled for a moment. The normally laid back and calm Alex had more fury in his voice then I had ever heard before.

"Let's behave, now," was Caleb's only form of retaliation. I rolled my eyes. It was annoying, how nonchalant this guy was.

"How about you tell us where Julie is?" Luke said aggressively, clenching his fists tightly. I watched as Caleb sighed, leaning on his cane. 

"I sense you want a fight."

My eyes widened. No, no, not a fight, please, not a-

"Whatever it takes."

I watched as Caleb snapped his fingers, three pillars of purple smoke bursting through the floor, creating three giant holes with cracks that were protruding outwards. They shot towards the guys, who poofed out of the way.

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