A/N (Please Read!)

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Hello, fellow Fantoms! This book has finally come to and end!

I wanted to add this chapter to thank you guys. I was super nervous to write this, as I'd never written a Fanfiction of any kind before, but you guys have been totally amazing.

I've gotten so much support, whether it be people who have commented on, voted on, or just read and kept up with my story in general. Every single comment I've gotten has been positive, and you guys have no idea how grateful I am. Some of you have been with me since the very first chapter and have continued to show me a ton of support every single update.

On another note, I'm thinking of doing a JATP Christmas book of some kind. It can be a story, or one-shots, I'm not sure yet. If I do make a Christmas book, I'll probably start it around mid December. Just letting you guys know. You can give me suggestions in the comments, if you want!

So yeah, that's basically why I added this. Thank you so much for everything! You guys have been awesome, and I am super grateful for everything. Thanks again! I love all of you! Stay amazing! 🥰🥰🥰😊😊😊

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