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Baz's POV

"I love you, Baz."

"What are we?"

"We're boyfriends. . Terrible boyfriends."

"Take me, Si."


I keep replaying the conversation in my head. Wondering if we are terrible boyfriends. If his wide blue eyes are truly sincere when he says he loves me. Whether he even knows what love is. . . If I even know.

           And I keep thinking all of these thoughts.

           We pass nymphs, wood fouls, all kinds of creatures, as we delve deeper into the Wavering Wood. Simon doesn't take his sword out immediately, he stands abashed amidst the trees and shadows, wondering what I will think of him for being like this. The truth is. . . I've simply accepted this as a part of Simon. It's him. What right do I have to say anything about it? And regardless, I love him. His desire to destruct and use his sword when he's stressed out is just one of the many reasons. (Also, he looks unbelievably sexy with his curls whipping in the wind, golden brows pinching in concentration as he whispers the incantation, swinging his sword out from invisibility.) We find some semi-dark creatures and Simon doesn't hesitate to pull his sword on them. (Simon looks beautiful in battle; he never stops to think or contemplate his next move, he just moves.)

           There we stay for some of the day, walking through the Wood. Eventually the sword returns to invisibility at his hip. Then his hand is agitated at his side, itching for something to do; so I reach out and he immediately intertwines his fingers with mine. And he smiles the most beautiful, toothy, Simon Snow-smile ever. He always stays close. Leaning into me.

           As we finally head for the drawbridge, to cross over the moat and go to Cloisters to visit Penelope, he nearly falls into the moat. Which is partially expected, I mean, this is typical Simon Snow behavior.

"Simon!" I yell as he veers too close to the moat. He's acting blind, I swear. I yank him towards me with a hand and he's a little shocked at my strength. I don't usually make a big deal of my super-strength, so it always surprises him. He gives me an incredulous gaping-look for a second, before resuming to walk unconscious of his path.

"What are we even doing, Simon?"

"I dunno. We're gonna see Penny, I guess. And then go back to our room. And sleep." he lolls. He sounds so. . . Tired.

"Okay. I meant for right now, though. About dinner," I tell him, knowing that he's definitely hungry. I mean, he's Simon Snow. It would be troubling if he wasn't hungry.

"I dunno. I don't wanna see anyone. S'annoying. I just wanna sleep. I'm tired." he says again. And I can see the weariness in his big blue eyes. In his blank, yet sad expression. In his pout.

"Hey, Si. . . Do you want to see something?" I ask in a small voice, uncertain whether he would even like what I have in mind.

"Sure," he says, unthinkingly. I swallow down a little hurt at his disregard, but decide to show him anyway. What's the harm?

"Follow me, Si." I tell him with a smile, taking his hand and dragging him forward.

             I take him to a field that's nearly empty, with only a couple withering flowers strewn about the grass. And yet, we both run into the field hand-in-hand. Catching each other's eye and laughing just for the sake of it. Then I slip out my wand.

"April showers!" I cast. The entire field springs to bloom before us. Yellows, reds, pinks. . . every color and size of petal lushly breathes life into the land. Simon stands there breathless. .Still clutching my hand. Taking in the sweet, floral breeze kissing his skin.

"Baz," he breathes heavily. "This is beautiful. . ." And he whips his head full of curls to look at all the green there. It's so alive. Just like him. I had no idea if he would care for it, so this is a relief.

"I'm glad you think so, Simon."

            Then he turns to look at me, and suddenly his mouth is pressed against mine. And he's kissing me so hard, my head tips. He's got his hands on my hips, holding me close. And he won't even give me a second to catch my breath. All the air in my lungs flew out the second his body slammed into mine with an insatiable ocean of desire. My heart nearly aches when he's like this. So raw, untamed, and alive. So in love. . . With me.

"I'm going to follow you into every cavern, into every problem, into every hellhole. Baz, I'll fucking haunt your grave if I have to. Just to stay close to you. You're going to die kissing me. Because I love you, and I can't keep my hands off you. I never could." he whispers, staring into my eyes. Only inches away from kissing me all over again.

"That was dark." I remark when his mouth is far enough for me to even get words out.

"You fucker," he says, biting my lip.

"I love you too, Simon Snow."

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