Chapter 9: Harry and Chloe Rekindle

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Chapter 9: Chloe and Harry's Rekindle.


I moved back in with Chloe and Louis ever since the carnival. It’s been two or three weeks since then. I was at home when Chloe walked in. It was around 4 in the afternoon. She looked like she hasn’t slept in days. She wasn’t even smiling. My eyes followed her as she went upstairs. Her fashion sense was still there though. She had studded combat boots, black skinny jeans, an oversized red plaid flannel, Ray Bans on, and Her hair up in a ponytail. She looked skinnier than ever too. I was beginning to worry about her even more. Chloe and I haven’t been exactly talking for a long time. Like a month and two or three weeks. It was killing me. Yeah, every once and awhile she’ll ask me if I’m hungry so that she’ll get food, but thats all. We don’t share our feelings or talk about our day anymore. If we do talk, it’s about cleaning the house or just something we really need attention on. I’m still surprised that we sleep in the same bed. We haven’t touched, hugged, or kissed each other in a long time too. I feel like we’re falling apart. I love her, I really do and I’m not going to let her slip away. I needed a way for her to stay and talk to me. I suppose I could ask her to a fancy dinner. I walked upstairs finding Chloe changing into sweats.

“Hey.” I knocked on the door.

“Hi.” She turned around.

“So, do you have any plans tonight?”

“Why?” Her voice was a bit stern, but how could I blame her. We haven’t talked for a while.

“I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me at Cantina Vinopolis.”

“Just us?”


“I’d love to go, but I don’t feel like dressing up. So, no thanks.”

“I already made reservations for two. Who am I going to bring?” I lied.

“How about that girl you hung out with at the carnival?”

“She’s just a friend. I’d like to take my lovely girlfriend out to dinner. Just me and you. Please, Chloe. We haven’t had a decent dinner together in a long time. I want us to start talking again. Like share our thoughts about our day or just whatever. I miss your kisses, hugs, and touches. I don’t see how you’re doing fine without talking to me. I miss you, Chloe. It’s killing me.” By this time I was shouting a bit.

We stood there in silence. I saw a tear run down her cheek. I couldn’t help but tear up either. I stepped closer to her, but she stepped back. It hurt to see that she doesn’t even want to be near me.

“You don’t think that I want us talking either? I miss it. I miss you, Harry! I really do, but when you pushed me away at the hospital, I felt like you didn’t love me anymore. How the hell do you think I felt at that moment? Tell me, Harry. Tell me!” She started to cry and shout at me.

I felt her pain. I felt bad. Why did I do that? How could I do that?

“Oh! And it was amazing how you end up bringing some other girl that no one knows to the carnival. Do you know how bad that hurt me, Harry? I spent my whole time with Lou talking about how much it hurt me and how much I miss you. He told me that you miss me too, but I guess he was lying. And since we’re talking about ‘cheating’, me and Louis kissed. That doesn’t matter though because you were probably macking on her too!”

“What?! You kissed him?! I never kissed her or did anything with her. She was just a friend. She means nothing to me.”

“Yeah! I did. I needed you, Harry! You weren’t there though, he was. I felt guilty though so don’t you dare turn this around on me!”

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