The Beginning Of It All (CH: 1)

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(This is my first time, so please don't judge, the art is also not mine, it's @Unfunny_Clown 's)

Glitch's POV:

          As I felt the ship sway I could feel my motion sickness creeping up my spine, turning my stomach every which way, then next thing I knew I was covered in vibrant purple stomach fluid. I couldn't change or even use my powers, the reason was because I'm a prisoner being transported over seas. We were traveling through a hurricane, a wave, a bigger one.. and then I had recoated myself in the purple fluid. 'Fucking motion sickness, damn...' I thought to myself. In that moment, I can remember my best friend, Nightmare, I smiled softly and began to drift to sleep.

~A little while later~

        I opened my eyes, all I saw was blue, all I felt was the calm small, soft waves of the ocean. I realized they had left me there in the middle of the ocean. "REALLY?!?" I shouted in frustration, the only thing I had to find my way was a compass. "Hell yeah bitch!" I said in celebration of my freedom. I had also remembered the special handcuffs were sensitive to water. I broke free, releasing a serge of magical energy. I created an ice platform and got on top of it, I wasn't able to teleport due to my exhaustion. "I'm coming my dear, friend. I'm coming!" I felt an insane smile creep up my cheeks.

 I'm coming!" I felt an insane smile creep up my cheeks

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~At Nightmare's Castle~

Nightmare's POV:

          "No!" Horror screamed at Dust, they were teasing each other about Lust and Blue again. "Yes!" They screamed at each other more. "SHUT THE HELL UP" "Sorry!" They replied at the same time, slowly sitting back down and going back to their game of poker. A few moments later I was dozing off in my throne until I got startled by "TRIuMPh!" Which Error practically screamed. The rest of the group all let out a groan. "PAy Up evERyOnE!" He said holding out his hand, everyone handed him a bar of chocolate per person, so he had a lot. I'm surprised he hasn't had a sugar rush from so much chocolate! "How can you-" I was interrupted, by a huge serge of glitched energy, the other's felt it to. But something about this power was... Familiar! 'It couldn't be... c-could it?!?' I was questioning it, until Killer spoke up and interrupted my train of thought, " What was that?!" "I have no idea, but it feels strong!" Cross replied, quivering a bit. I went back to my thoughts, remembering my fun times with her. I smiled a bit, getting lost in the fun memories. "uh, boss, you good?" I heard Dust interrupt my recollection of childhood memories. "Yes, in fact, I couldn't be better!" The entire team looked at me in pure confusion, honestly it was hilarious so I started laughing. 
          "Boss, d-do you know something about this power serge that we don't?" Killer spoke up nervously. "In fact I do, gather around. It's story time bitches!" They gathered around, and looked up at me with curiosity in each and every eye socket staring back at my one "So, when me and my brother Dream were younger we played in the woods, these very woods my castle are in now, we heard a scream nearby where we were having fun. I told Dream to ignore it, but he insisted we go check it out. When we got there we saw our AU's Muffet being murdered by someone we've NEVER seen in our entire lives! Her hair was indigo, shining brighter than the slickest of metals, it was giving off what looked like mist, like when you open a freezer. Her tail was emitting the most hottest of flames, honestly I found her kind of pretty. She was about our age, just a year or so younger, she told us not to tell anyone or she would torture us with ice and fire. She gave us a certain stare that made chills go down our spines. So we agreed and never told anyone. Later we got to know her, her name is Glitch, she's a REAL glitch." I saw Error's face turn into one of hope, hope that he would eventually get to know her.

Error's POV:

          'A... a real glitch??' I thought to myself in disbelief as silence fell over the room. So I spoke up, "So WhAt hAPpeNed tO hEr?!" "She went to solitary confinement..." He looked as if he missed her dearly. "But," he continued, "The power serge was her finally escaping!" I looked up in excitement. "So it'll take less than two days for her to arrive, I want this place in TIP TOP shape before her arrival! Every room CLEAN! Now go start straightening up your rooms!" Everyone rushed to their room, and so did I. I organized everything, hoping to impress her. I hope to have a sort of brother sister relationship with her. I'll admit, but I'm also nervous...

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