Meetin' Da Gang (CH: 2)

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Killer POV: 

 Ever since yesterday it's like Nighty has been on a sugar rush, it's kind of cute to be honest. I'm just worried for the rest, they seem scared of this girl who they've never met before. I'm actually wanting to meet her too! She sounds... interesting. 
          I laid down in my bed and I start drifting off to sleep when there was a knock at my door, I sighed and got up. When I opened the door, Dust and Horror shoved me back inside. Dust had something in his hands "What the hell are you two doing here?!" They stopped, looked at me, then looked at each other and two evil grins spread like melty butter across their faces. I got scared and backed away, "Wh-what's with those looks?" "Oh, we're not gonna hurt ya," replied Dust. "We just need to discuss a little somethin'~" Continued Horror. "Oh dear god-" I said under my breath.

~A little while later~

Nightmare's POV:

I was walking down the hallway when I saw Killer being shoved out of his room by Dust and Horror, Killer was freaking out, I wasn't sure why until my vision adjusted to the trio of chaos, Killer was in a maid's dress looking sexy as fuck, this is when I decided to strike "I never knew Horror and Dust had such good tailoring skills~" "Wh-what?!" Killer practically shut down as Horror and Dust pushed him into me. "Hey cutie, let's go have a little fun before Glitch's arrival" "YOU TWO WILL PAY FOR THIS" He yelled over to Dust and Horror as they disappeared around the corner, all while he had a red face.


Third person:

          As Glitch got closer and closer, jumping through massive waves with ease as she's running on water during a rapid storm. Her motion sickness getting closer, until she coated herself in more purple stomach slime. She started to get dizzy when she looked up and saw land, 'LAND, YES!!!' She had screamed in her mind, she ran faster, got sick again, but made it! She ran into a bush quickly and threw almost all the fluid she had in her. After 20 straight minutes she was done. She walked for a while, then in the distance she noticed Nightmare's castle. "YES!!!" She shouted in triumph. It might've been a 30 minute walk, but at least it was better than jumping through massive 10 foot waves through a series of summer salts and backflips. 
Glitch's POV: 

I got to his castle and knocked, but then I got sick again. 'Ugh... I'm sick, isn't that great...' I thought to myself as I started throwing up more, getting purple all over. My vision was also giving out on me as my body gave out, I was now on my hands and knees. 'I don't think anyone heard me knock...' I thought as I started to doubt myself, 'If this is my end, at least I know I was close...' I curled up in front of the door and I blacked out. 

~A Long While Later~

I woke up in a strange room, I looked to my left and saw Nightmare's crown . . . It hit me, I was in Nightmare's room! I looked to my right and saw Nightmare sleeping peacefully on a chair next to the bed, he had an aura as if he'd cried himself to sleep. I was so happy to see him that I hugged him, turns out he'd been awake with his eye closed. "Glitch!!" He said as he returned the warm embrace I had gifted him. He started crying tears of... joy, it seemed to be. My stomach ruined the moment by rumbling and grumbling so loud you could probably hear it from outside. "Hungry?" Questioned Nightmare, "Very," was my response. He then picked me up with his tentacles, went downstairs into the lobby, and he had told a gray hooded skeleton named Dust to cook for me. "Now, this is Killer" "Sup!" "This is Error" "hEy" "And this is Horror" Horror just waved. "And you already saw who Dust is," he finished. I was about to say something when Error came up to me, "hEy, Uh, w-WaNt tO CoME PlaY pOkER wItH Us w-WhiLe yOu wAIt fOr YoUr fOoD?" He sounded nervous despite his glitchy voice, but I gave him a sweet smile and told him I'd play, Nightmare put me down and Error dealt cards to everyone. In that moment, I had a devilish idea . . .

Cross's POV: 

"Like always?" Chara asked, "Yep!" I replied. He went around the table, looking at everyone's cards, Glitch took one single glare at him, she apparently saw him, and he freaked out "Wh-what the he-hell's w-with th-that look?!?" She looked at me and all I saw was 'Don't mess with me.' And a rush of fear came over me, I tensed up so bad I practically almost ran away. Everyone gave me weird and confused looks, then they fallowed my gaze. Glitch smiles gleefully before anyone saw her stare. 'She's insane!!' I thought to myself, "Agreed..." Chara replied as he nodded. For the rest of the game we never even dared to try to look at her cards. Dust then arrived with her food, she ate it very gleefully looking a bit cute. Though I kept in mind it was an act. I'm not sure having her in the castle is the best decision . . .

~The Next day~

Glitch's POV:

I found myself in a weird white void, there was blue strings hanging from the top, some of them held possession of a soul, some were just plainly hanging. There was a big blue couch, and a TV. I personally have never seen this place, so I knew I was in a dream. I walked around and that's literally all I saw, but then to my surprise I saw Error. I thought he lived in the castle, I guess I was wrong. Since it's a dream I decided to engage, "Hey Error!" I sat next to him, he was on his couch eating chocolate and watching something called UnderNovela, it was stupid but entertaining. "hEY, wANt tO WaTCh wItH mE?" He asked me while keeping his eyes glued to the screen, I sat next to him and watched. This made me feel lonely, it reminded me how I have no family, I started to cry. I hated this dream and I wanted it to end soon.

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