A New Turn (CH9)

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(WARNING: slight suicidal thoughts, and intense sad love. You have been warned [drawing done by me])

Glitch's POV:

          "Hate??!!!? What the hell are you doing here? And why are you in my damn room going through my fucking belongings?!" I lowered my sword and put it back. He replied with the most shocking answer, "I felt a new feeling towards you so I decided to seek it out, I was... Curious some would say." All I could do, was look at him, in. Pure. Confusion. "What??" I replied as I sat down on my bed and began to take off my battle suit. 

          "Yeah, I'm confused too," He was hiding something behind his back

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          "Yeah, I'm confused too," He was hiding something behind his back. He stole something from my room, "What did you steal?" He visibly started blushing, "Nothing, why?" "Then show me your hands." "No," "Ok then give me back what you stole," "I didn't steal anything," "Ok then show me your hands" "No," "Then give me back what you stole." "I didn't steal anything." I pinned him really hard against the wall and got in his face, "Then you don't mind if I strip search you.?" I replied in a very dark tone. "That's a bit kinky don't ya think?~" "Give me back what you stole!" "Fine, strip search me then," I felt my face heat up, but I was determined to get back whatever in the hell he stole. 

         After that embarrassing event, I found out he stole a pair of my underwear. I had also searched EVERY part of him, so I saw exactly how big 'it' was. "Done, you can turn around now," He said, I turned around so he can get dressed, so I turned back to him and said, "Why did you try to steal that out of all things?" "Because I figured since you were with Sci, I couldn't have you, so I'd steal something that belonged to you." "You're such a creep." "Aww come on," "No." "Don't give me-" "I'm warning you!" "The cold shoulder!" I threw my ice sword at him and it missed his head by a hair. He just laughed at me...

          He decided to stay and chat for a while, once we had nothing to talk about I remember the serum, Sci, and how I know he doesn't love me like he says. "Um... Me and Sci, w-we're n-not, um, actually, I found out he doesn't love me like a real boyfriend should." He got close to me and held my shoulders in a sympathetic way, "I'm here if you wanna talk about it, plus if you and Sci break up, I'm also here!" He smiled a cocky smile, and I told him about the serum, he just shook his head and let out a disappointed sigh like he knew this was going to happen. 

          Haters, nightmares, horror spreaders, insane murderers, psychotic villains, call them what you want, it won't change the fact we're close like family, it won't change the fact they care, it won't change the fact that love is so strong even the scariest of nightmares can love, or the worst of haters can love. Think what you want to think, say what you want say, it. Won't. Change. "I'll be right back, I'm going to have a talk with Sci," "That's my girl! Remember, be firm and express your emotions!" "Ok, thanks for the support" I then hugged him, which he had returned it. "Anytime Glitchy, anytime." He replied in a soft, soothing voice.

          I stood up and Hate opened a portal into Sci's lab. I saw the Star Sanses, I gulped down my nerves and anxiety than stepped through and he closed it behind me. "Sci.." Everyone turned around, the Star Sanses were about to attack until Sci ran up to me and hugged me gleefully, my Asgore he's cute, "GLITCHY!!!! So did you make up your mind yet about the serum?!" "Yes," "WOOHOO, let me guess, IT'S A YES??!!" "Um... not exactly. You see, a good boyfriend wouldn't even think about putting their lover in danger..." My entire body went numb and I felt hot tears start falling like a waterfall, "B-but my entire career depends on-" I interrupted him, "And they wouldn't pressure their lover into doing deadly bullshit like that either!!" The Star Sanses actually looked quite guilty besides Dream, he just death glared me. 

          I threw the serum at the wall, shattering the test tube and making it go all over, wasting the only dose he had of it, "You're worse than if Nightmare was truly and completely pure negative feelings." "Why...?" "Because at least he cares deeply for my safety and health!!" I then started sobbing, he tried to come near me, I put my and up and yelled "Don't. Even think about touching me!" "Are we at least still dating...?" "I think you know the answer to that." Hate opened a portal, the Star Sanses stood in defense mode until I stepped through and he closed it, I swear I spent at least 4 to 8 hours sobbing after that, sometimes even wishing I was never created. 

Sci POV:

          "I just lost the love of my life..." I dropped to the ground sobbing, Ink and Blue comforted me by saying "it'll be alright" and "at least she didn't kill you". True that, until Dream spoke up and, his words hit me hard. "She isn't even worth acknowledging. She must die for her past actions, and I will kill her even if it's the last thing I do." I've never heard Dream speak like that, so maybe he was right... Or maybe... Maybe it was just me. 

(Sorry for the short chapter, I'm having technical difficulties with life...)

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