The Fiery Divulge (CH6)

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Glitch's POV:

          He disappeared behind the corner as I chased him, I turned the corner as well but I didn't see him. So I teleported behind him, he was back at the lounge sitting with Horror, Killer, and Dust, Error was on a chair nest to the couch. Everyone looked at me, I heard Chara say "Heh, sleeping glitch beauty is as dumb as she acts! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" I got so pissed my hair melted as he looked back and she took over. RUI, DAMMIT!!!


          Finally I'm free, that damn brat. I'll teach her- I mean, him a lesson! "You dare insult us?" "U-us??" Everyone got up into defense mode as I completely took over. "You'll be sorry." All of a sudden, I got wrapped in blue strings and Nightmare's black goopy tentacles. "EW, DAMN OCTOPUS, THAT'S JUST GROSS, GET THEM OFF ME" I yelled, VERY annoyed. He then replied with "No, give us Glitch back. And who are you?" 

          Go figure she didn't tell them about me and Ice. "I am Radiowave Ultraviolet Infrared! RUI for short, and if you release me I have some revenge to get to." Killer grabbed Chara and took him over to Nightmare, they formed a protective wall around him. Such fools, "Hah, hahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I lit myself on fire making Nightmare release me "AGH! BITCH" he yelled at me as Error got a bit too cocky. "aT LeAsT mY sTrInGs dOn'T aFFeCt mY bOdY! HAHAHAHAH!" That's when my flames grew to where they snapped the strings and released me, I heard Error mumble "Oh sHiT-" "Oh shit indeed!" Horror replied, "S-see ya later!" Chara said while letting Cross take back control. 

          "Damn assholes!! This isn't over! But I'll be keeping control for a while. Glitch is taking a mental break from this depressing world, let alone she needs a disguise to hide from the Star Shits." They all chuckled at the name, and lowered their guard, but of course not completely. I sat on the couch and took it over, forcing everyone to either sit on a chair or the other couch. Horror called me a selfish prick, Dust called me an egotistic bitch, the other three just groaned in annoyance as I also claimed the remote to the TV. I just laughed at them and changed it to what the fuck ever sounded interesting. 

          I had changed it to something called UnderNovela, Error flipped out and said "Ok! I lIkE yOu aLrEaDy!" than the sat on my back, suffocating me to death, so I lit my back on fire. He didn't notice until it burnt through his pants, "sHiT, wHat tHE hEll?!?" He quickly got up and ran to his room, not hiding his burnt ass very well. He had black boxers with  X's on red lines like stitching, there was also a gradient of black fading into indigo, like the sleeves of his jacket. The entire room filled with laughter. How nice, Error the Fool. I thought he was Error the Destroyer of AUs, not a clown dressed like a glitch. 

~The Next Day~

          My eyes fluttered open, guess Glitch trusts me. I got up and put a simple black crop top on with pretty strap designs and no sleeves. I put a very simple outfit on, simple but comfy and fluffed up my flames emitting from my tail, I had also decided to leave my hair down because why not. All-black, like everyday, we don't usually have a favorite color so it's all black usually. Very rarely we wear color unless it's me and Ice, I wear hints and highlights of red and she wear different shades of ice blue, mostly black though. 

(Art by me)

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(Art by me)

          I got my shoes on and went to the lounge where everyone was waiting for me. "Am I too late or right on time?" "You're just in time actually, we're attacking Underswap" Dust had told me, "Ugh, why not Swagtale? Or Freshtale? We could finally get rid of the worst AU's of all time!" I complained, "We'll do those for our next missions" Nightmare replied to my complaint in annoyance. "That works for me!" I was actually decently happy about it, especially because he acknowledged my words. This time I made the portal because Nightmare was going to anyways. 

          When we got there we spilt up, "Ay Nighty" "What?" "Can I take the first hit?" "Sure, I don't really care." This is gonna be fun! I stepped forward, we were in Snowdin, so it started snowing, shit. I'm weak to the cold, causing me to shiver like mad. I was weak, but I didn't care. I charged up my energy and a few seconds later a huge beam of fire shot from my hands, killing everyone in it's way and causing screams to fill the air. I got weaker from it and dropped to my knees as Nightmare came over to me, "You ok Gli-, RUI?" "Y-y-yeah, j-j-jus-st c-cold a-and I-I'm-m s-s-sensitive t-to th-the c-co-cold," I used more magic to replace my outfit and into a warm snowsuit than I began to regain strength, then I stood up, "There we go!"

          I ran further into town and sat a lot of building on fire, shortly after, the Star Shits came. "Did you replace Glitch with her or something?" Ink had asked, "NO, I'D NEVER REPLACE HER! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK THAT!" Nightmare yelled full of rage, at least I know he'd never replace us so I smiled gently to the thought. "I'm RUI, Glitch and one more lovely woman lied within us, you'll meet her a bit later. For now it's time to die!" My voice within those words sounded as if Satan was talking, both me and dream pounced at each other, not giving anyone time to react. The rest of my team appeared and helped us, little by little we pushed them back into the crap hole they emerged from. Another victory yet again, I even managed to kill Carrot!

~a little while later~

3RD Person POV: 

          "HAH- choo!" RUI sneezed, she had caught a cold. Everyone was sitting around her and helping her get over the cold, it was like she had... real family, real friends, and that it isn't just some fucked up dream. The Bad Sanses weren't so bad after all. If only the Star Sanses knew that they were more like a family than a boss with servants...

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