Ice, Fire, and... Love?? (CH5)

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(Picture does NOT belong to me nor my illustrator, it just matches this chapter)

Ink's POV:

          It was my free time, so I was drawing in the Doodle Sphere. It just so happens that I feel a pair of eyes on me, I knew who it was, I'll admit. "Ok Error, you can stop the yandere stalk mode now," I giggled as he stepped up to me and groaned in an annoyed tone. "I aM nOT a YanDErE, aNd I wAsN't sTAlKiNg yOu, I wAs wAtcHInG frOm A diStaNcE, tHeRe's A dIffErEncE!" "I totally believe you," I shot back snickering. "ANYWAYS-" "Well that was avoided" "UgH, AnYwAyS, WhAT aRe YoU dRaWiNg? It bEtTeR nOt Be AnOtHeR poIntLEss AU!" "Nah, at least not this time," I felt my cheeks bones heat up as a knew I was blushing. Truth be told, I was drawing me and Error kissing.

Error's POV:

          I sat next to Ink, thinking what he was drawing was another pointless AU, and BOY WAS I WRONG! "sO whAT aRe YoU dRaWi-" I saw it, I stopped, and I crashed. I rebooted about ten to fifteen minutes later, I saw it again, but this time instead of freaking out, I decided to do something to see his cute flustered face again since I can't stop wanting to see it. I got very close to his face, "Wh-what are y-you d-doing?" I saw his adorable rainbow blush spread across his face like syrup dripping down a stack of fluffy pancakes. "yOu'Re nOt tHe onLY oNe WhO caN mAkE cReAtIvItY ComE tO LifE~" He instantly got the message and his face flooded with rainbow, so cute!

3RD Person POV:

          While that love had blossomed, the so-called "King of Negativity" also had a little bit of romance bubbling to the surface~

          This was a different kind of romance, in which... This, so-called "King of Negativity" was rather, embracing it. How and why? Keep reading and you'll find out!

Killer's POV:

          I was walking down the hall, it's been a day since Nightmare fucked me. I keep trying to avoid him because he keeps slapping my ass with his tentacles, touching me sexually, and staring me down in a sadistic way. I opened the door to my room as I close my eyes, I couldn't wait till I got to the bed. But I opened them anyways and guess who I saw sleeping in my bed. 

          You guessed it, Nightmare! He was sleeping under covers, I was annoyed but when I went to scream in his face he looked so peaceful and surprisingly... Adorable. So I quickly settled and laid next to him and fell asleep as well. 

Nightmare's POV:

          I woke up and I saw the cutest most gorgeous skeleton cuddling with me, heh. So cute. I hugged him and his eyes shot wide open with his face turning pure red. "Awake my dear?~" He hid his face in my chest, "M-maybe," "You're too cute when you're flustered!" I think I broke him, but who the hell cares? I sure don't! He tried to speak but all I heard was "I, mm, I uh... M-mercy!" I couldn't help but laugh.

          "I want to stay here and cuddle more. Does that sound good to you?" He just nodded. After a while of cuddling he just got used to it, so we started chatting a bit more. Discussing the next mission, about what the plan is, where we're going to attack, and etc. It was really nice, I'll be honest with you. I can tell Killer is beginning to like this as well. That's it, I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend tomorrow!

~Later that day~

Cross's POV:

          I was drawing in my free time, when Chara popped up next to me. "Ay!" "What?" "I'm bored, can I take over?" "No," "Why?" "Please leave me alone" "Why?" "Please?" "No, why?" "Ugh!! Fine! But on one condition!" "Really?! Anything!" "You can only kill people that Nightmare tells you that you're allowed to! Understood?" "Ugh, fine!" "Good, I can finally get some rest." I let Chara take control than I decided to take a nap.

XChara's POV:

          I was finally in control! YES! Though of course I couldn't do anything bad, I may be a spoiled brat, but I am a child of my word. I got up and went to the lounge. I sat on a couch and got some stares, "What are you fools looking at?" "Cross? Is that really you??" The one called 'Horror' asked, "What's wrong? You have amnesia? HAHAHAHAH" They pointed their weapons to me. "You aren't Cross. Who are you?!" Dust demanded, "Hm, not as dumb as he looks. I'm XChara, me and Cross share our soul, he's resting right now. So if you kill him, you kill me!" I slightly lied, though I'm not completely wrong. They backed down but kept an eye on me, I just rolled my eyes.

          A little while later I went through the same goddamn thing with Nightmare and Error. Nightmare was the only one who wasn't on edge after I had spilled the tea. Glitch came as well, she was wearing a simple black long-sleeved crop-top and a short black skirt. But damn I'll admit, she's kind of hot. "Cross?? Since when did skeletons have hair??" "ThAt'S tHE thInG-" Error started, and then I zoned out to stare at Glitch so I stopped listening and started staring. "Oh, uhm... He seems a bit... Spaced out-" "Just enjoying the view." I replied, partially questioning what I had just told her. I saw her fluffy face turn more purple than an amethyst! 

          I laughed at this, but she looked furious, "You perverted brat!!" Damn, even Nightmare looked at me angry, the other's just looked at me with faces like 'Boy you better run!' 'R.I.P' or 'Run while you're still breathing!' So I started running. She chased after me and I heard all the other's distantly laughing. I turned the corner and opened a random door so I went in, and hid in it, she ran bye so after I heard her footsteps and shouting disappear I turned on the light to see where I was. Oh no... Horror's room, ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick. I quickly got out of there and ran back into the lobby, everyone stared at me, very shocked. "Heh, sleeping glitch beauty is as dumb as she acts! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" I then realized everyone wasn't staring at me, they were staring behind me. Oh shit....

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