Making Amends (CH12)

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Kiwi POV:

          "Wawa!" Blaze says as I help her stand up, I'm trying to get her walking before the other's do, so that way with my help and care she develops faster than the rest of these chubby ass snot brats. Both mom and dad will be proud! Yay! We're in the lounge with the Nightkiller, Bloodlust, and the Dustberry couples. I watched as she took her first step, second, third, thud! Isn't that nice? She just can't get it, but I WILL have her walking before a year old, so all the others can fuck off, cry me a river, and build me a bridge for all I care! HAHAHAHA!! 

          I can't get her to walk, so I decide to wait a few weeks before trying again, ya know, giving her legs time to develop. All of a sudden a yellow version of Nightmare wrapped in uncle Error's strings gets roughly thrown through one of his portals, with the Errink couple following right behind. And they're carrying, wait... Mom's scarf, hoodie, and... her wedding ring. No Way. "Did-.. is that-.. where is-..?" Nightmare stuttered. The Errink couple nodded, Ink was crying, with all mom's stuff in his hands, and Error's face was filled with rage. All I'm able to do is pick up Blaze and go to Cross's room, "Crossy! M-mommy g-got k-killed!" He instantly opens the door and asks me who it was, "I don't know, but they have him captured downstairs in the lounge..." He picks me up with Blaze still in my arms and puts me in front of my room then tells me to snuggle up with Blaze and my stuffed animals and try to take a nap, "Okay..." So that's what I do.

Cross's POV:

          I go downstairs to see the most horrifying scene of my life. Half everyone is in tears, the other half filled with rage. Hate can't stop hugging all her things and crying, but that wasn't what was so terrifying. It was... Dream... But, like a goopy Nightmare version. "D-dream..?" He looked up at me with eyes I no longer recognize. I started to cry, and it looked like just the thought of it made Dream flinch. "Cross! Tell these horses asses to let me go!" I can't help the thought. Of losing my lover to negative thoughts and feelings. "Why..? Why did you kill her...?" My shocked state seemed to guilt him. "..." Of course he didn't answer. So Nightmare did, "It's ok Cross, if it helps we can make a memorial," I started to cheer up. I glance over at Dream, making me just as sad as I was.

          After a moment of silence, Ink speaks up. "How about you can choose Dream's punishment as well?" He suggested, "Yeah, and I don't even care how extreme it is," Nightmare finishes. "U-um, o-ok." I already have something in mind, so I laugh a bit under my breath. "Wow, an idea already?" Error asks. "Yeah, he is to be my lover for the rest of eternity, and he will not lay hands and or tentacles on anyone in harmful ways. Or I will make him wear what I want him to wear." I see his face turn yellow, his happy aroura returns as well. As long with his old form. "I'm really sorry guys, I-I don't know what got over me..." Most of us forgive him, except Hate and Error, but at least they reject his apology humbly. 

          I get up, untie Dream, pick him up, and then carry him with me to my room. I lay him on my bed, lay down next to him and cuddle after taking off everything but my shirt and shorts. Chara finally comes up next to me and says the most disgusting thing ever, "Strip a little more and let's see how long he lasts~" I feel my face heat up, so I put my hand behind my back and just flip him off. He rolls his eyes and disappears. 

~15 years later~

Blaze's POV: 

          "Sometimes I wonder why mom couldn't be more careful, ya know sis?" I'm now 15, still single, still a virgin, and still a depressed badass bitch. My sister's 23 years old, she now looks like a cheery little  lime. 


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          Well.. Cheery for the most part, she's grown attached to some toy named 'Sherri' which has been found... To be... Possessed. "What did I tell you about bringing that up?" Kiwi replies standing up from grooming Sherri, she still looks 16, acts 10, and feels 13. So I fill in for the big sis. "Sorry... It's just you know that I was only one month old before Dream killed her, and dad said I can't kill Dream just because he killed my one and only mother before I could even remember." 

          In which Cross and Dream have a child, so I'd also feel bad because that would be killing his mother as well. Although it would be kind of be nice to have someone in your shoes, but Starcross is innocent. So I can't Kill him sadly, although I can act like I don't know Dream ever existed. It's funny as well! A lot of times he ends up crying! 

Dream's POV: 

          I knock on Kiwi and Blaze's door with my guilt and anxiety teaming up on me. I was told to babysit them for the day while Crossy and the rest of them went out somewhere to discuss when the next time we were all going to hang out has family and friends. I'm literally sweating my balls off when Kiwi interrupts my train of thought, "Come in." I open the door and both of them look at me, and say "Ugh!" Like they don't want me here, then go back to what they were doing. "Good morning to you two too," Kiwi snickered, "What?" "That's a lot of to's." Blaze then started laughing after she realized what I said, at least I made them laugh. I giggled at myself too, "That sure is, so what are you guys up to?" 

~A While Later~

          We're hanging out, making jokes, laughing, sharing thoughts, this is good! I'm making amends!! This is so good! We're now watching a movie together, I'm in the middle of course which completely sucks. But I don't care, because at least I'm making amends. 

3TH Person POV: 

          They're all in different parts of the castle hidden, spying on Dream, Kiwi, and Blaze. They all want Dream to make amends with them. A few hours after he visited their room, all three comes out laughing, smiling, and talking! 'HE'S MAKING AMENDS' Cross screams in his mind in excitement. But Dream hears the voices in his head interrupt the dream.

Make amends.

It started out very distant, but grew louder.

Make amends dammit!

He couldn't move, couldn't talk, couldn't feel, as the voices kept growing.

You coward!! Make amends already!!!

He started crying. Which was also making him cry out of the dream.


It started driving him crazy, make amends, make amends, make amends. It was all he was hearing. But then a very very distant, and at the same time familiar voice starts talking. It can barely be heard over the now screaming voices. "Wake up!" It was Cross. He was trying to get Dream to wake up, but was failing, and failing hard....

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