Things Get Better (CH13 Finale)

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Blaze's POV: 

          I'm sitting in my room, next thing I know, someone knocks. "Who is it?" It better not be- "Lurro," THANK THE GODS, I was hoping it wasn't the 90's reject, that neon trash bag knows not to cross my territory. "Come in." I reply, it's better the Bloodlust child than the unicorn's walking shit. I heard him walk in, so I turn around and what the hell do I see? Lurro, but not JUST Lurro, Lurro with... FLOWERS in his hands! I feel my face heat up, I've kind of-.. No, I've fallen hard for him ever since we were 8. And here he is, here I am, here we are. 

          "So uh, I heard from Starcross and Crescent that you like me, so what do ya say we meet each other in Outertale at 8 later today?~" I feel happiness and joy overwhelm me. "YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES" I now tackle him, almost breaking his skull more than it is. I also start crying happy tears, why? Because, for 7 years straight, this very boy who has asked me on a date, gave me flowers, and showed up to my very room to do so, I have deeply loved, cared for, and cherished every moment of those 7 years we had spent together. 

          Later at 8, I go through the portal I made and arrived dead-on, I'm in a simple sleeveless black dress with dark pink fluff for the belt, and a hood made of dark pink fluff, and black sparkly lace draping over the skirt of the dress. I'm also wearing a bit of makeup, I look around and see Lurro in a cute pink tux. "You look very sexy in that tux~" I say as I walk towards him, he turns around and his eyes light up like he literally sees the most gorgeous sight in all the multiverse. "Woah," He says, it sounds as if I physically took the breath out of him and mentally took his confidence. I just giggled and held his arm gently, "Ready hot stuff?~" I reply to his reaction, "As I'll ever be sweet cheeks~" He says, and off we go. 

~Later Around 10~

          "Isn't the sky just gorgeous?" I say as I cuddle up to Lurro and lay my head on his chest, we're now laying in the soft grass of Outertale. "Yes, although the night sky I'd rather see is you~" He replies as he puts his arm around me, then the other, and rise my face up to his. I feel my face heat up, palms get sweaty, and the cool night breeze come in as he kisses me with love, passion, and of course a hint of lust, heh, the irony. I kiss back with the same elements, but he continues this kiss. It's nice so I'm not complaining, as long as he keeps this up, I'll keep this up. But I can feel eyes on us, weird.

Lust's POV:

          Me and my husband are watching our little Lurro grow up! I'm so proud that I'm crying happy tears! "My baby's all grown up!" I whisper yell, Horror is right next to me. "Our baby." He just says in response, "Yes, our baby is all grown up! Looks like we raised him well." I corrected myself, he finally agrees and says, "Indeed we did my love." And we kiss.

~The Next Day~

Blaze's POV:

          I wake up, get ready, and head downstairs. As I walk past Dream's room I hear Cross telling Dream to wake up, must be a Nightmare! Haha, I listen closely and hear Dream crying. For once I feel bad for him, he's not typically the type to cry just from a stupid nightmare. "AAHh!!" I hear Dream scream, he probably woke up. "Are you ok love?!" Cross asks with major concern, "I... I need to make amends with Blaze and Kiwi before the guilt consumes me..." Damn, he really feels that guilty. I definitely will forgive him. Cross starts to comfort Dream as I walk away. 

          As I walk away, I hear the door open, so I turn around, both me and Dream's eyes meet as he wipes his tears away. He now full on charges at me, and being me, I freeze in place, don't know why, but I just freeze. Worst. Mistake. Ever. He tackles me, which slams my head onto the ground, and not only that, but he also hugs me so tight I can't breathe. "I'm so so so so so SSSSOOOOO sorry!!! I didn't know how much Glitch actually means to everyone and" He keeps going on and on.

~A Few Moments Later Of Uncontrollable Sobbing And Gibberish~

          "It's ok Dream, I forgive you." I say in a calming voice, "R-really? -sniff sniff-" He stampers, still drying up the tears. "Of course, past is past." We hug again as he starts to cheer up. He's honestly like the fun gay uncle type, don't know why, he just is. Now Kiwi's turn, I'm sure she's let it go... I hope...

Kiwi's POV:

          I'm drinking coffee and sitting between Ink and Error watching UnderNovela. He got me addicted, damn asshole. Then Dream enters the room, so I act as if he doesn't exist. "Kiwi, I need to talk to you," He says with guilt in his tone, hell no he don't mean it. "Shut up, we're watching UnderNovela, talk to her later." Uncle Error says, tehe. Dream sighs and replies with "Fine." 

~After That~

          "NOOO! A fucking cliff hanger!" Uncle Error shouted in disappointment. "Now can we talk?" Dream spoke up, Error and Ink nodded and left the room, also leaving me behind. "So you're just leaving me with this mother murderer?!" I shout in frustration, "Yep, and don't call him that!" Ink shoots back and leaves, ugh. Great. "Look, I'm really sorry, I just couldn't control myself back then." He sits down and hugs me, than he starts caressing my head. Goddammit, it's like he can read my weaknesses. "MMmmm~" All I can do is just melt into his embrace, even though I try to scream at him to let me go. I'll bet Blaze told him I like pets, she'll pay later. "Fine, I forgive you." I finally say, I genuinely mean it. "Yay," He replied, neither of us had enough energy to get overexcited. I never do. 

~A few hours later~

Blaze's POV:

           I'm on my way to my room when I run into the Errink brothers, yay. "Hey Blaze!" Gradient says, "Hi, what do you want?" I ask. "Oh, well that's easy." PJ replies with a smirk. 'They better not say a word about-' I say in my mind, "We heard you're with Lurro," Palette continues, also with a smirk. 'That.' I say darkly. "You know, he never usually chooses one," I get offensive, very quickly. "SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO WHATEVER HELL HOLE YOU THREE CAME FROM!!!" All the smirks went from sly pervert to shocked as fuck. Then they all turned their boney butts around and ran as fast as their bones can carry them. Good. Lurro is my one and only, any other people will die if they think they're getting my man.

The End, Or Is It?~

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