The Chilling Divulge (CH7)

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(WARNING: suicidal thoughts [both pieces of art done by me uwu])

3RD Person POV:

          It was been three days since RUI got the cold, she had also let Glitch take back control. So she had decided to go visit her boyfriend. Little did she know, he was about to make Glitch's soul emotionally collapse, revealing a chilling surprise.

Glitch's POV:

          I walked through the portal wanting to see Sci again, he was working on something so I hugged him from behind and scared the living dog shit out of him, "Boo!" "AAAAAA-" I burst out laughing, he squealed like me when I was 3! "Don't do that!" "Oh? And why not? Don't you miss me?" "No, I mean yes, I do miss you Glitchy, just don't scare me like that," "Aww, okaayyy. So watcha doin'?" I asked with curiosity, he grabbed a test tub with a quirk at the top to keep the purple liquid from spilling, "It's my newest creation! It's supposed to be a serum that cures all glitches, but if it goes wrong it can end a slow and painful death, slowly burning away at the soul, and since Error currently has a grudge against me for telling Ink he had a crush on him, I was hoping you can be the test subject!" 

          I felt a jabbing pain that tore my soul in half, "H-how important i-is this t-to you?" "VERY!! My entire scientist career depends on it!" "... C-can I-I th-think a-about i-it?" "Sure! Just make a decision by the end of the week, and hold onto this, so you don't forget!" He said with star eye lights while handing me the serum. I slid it in my jacket and started to walk out when Sci grabbed my arm and scooped me into a kiss, I kissed back, though... I didn't feel a single thing, Not love, not happiness, nothing at all, just complete numbness. "Love you Glitchy! See you soon!" He waved as I walked through the portal, "You too Sci.." I closed the portal behind me and I was soon flooded with skeletons with a skele-ton of questions.

          "QUIET, ONE AT A TIME GUYS, she looks stressed!!" Screamed Nighty, I smiled a bit and mouthed 'Thank you' He returned it with a small smile and shrug, meaning it isn't that big of a big deal. "Guys, it didn't go exactly how I wanted it to..." "wHY dOn'T yOu CoMe AnD tEll Us AbOut iT?" Error replied as he pat an empty seat next to him. I sat next to him and told them about what pressure I was in, and that I was going to let Ice take control for a while, they understood except Error of course, "I'M GONNA KILL THAT PUSSY CAT" He screeched with his body drowning in glitches, "NO! Please! Let ME make this decision!" I never would yell at him unless it was to get his attention, so he backed down in defeat. 

~later when they go out attacking Swagtale~

Ice's POV:

          "Go on! Attack! I wanna see what you can do!" I was paired with Horror in Snowdin, "Whatever.." I summoned my normal axe, I'm tired of living, why can't I just die? I can't because Glitch and RUI are my purpose to live, to me it's more than enough. "WOAH, IT'S HUGE!!! AND SO COOL!!!!" Horror fangirled over how huge and cool my axe is, "Thanks I guess??" "ALRIGHT, LET'S DO THIS" Then we started wreaking havoc. It was fun, I'll admit. I trapped a monster in an alley, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" He screamed while seeing my huge axe, what's wrong with him? Is it not a normal thing to carry around an overgrown axe? "What?" He looked at me like I was insane, so I killed him.

 I trapped a monster in an alley, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" He screamed while seeing my huge axe, what's wrong with him? Is it not a normal thing to carry around an overgrown axe? "What?" He looked at me like I was insane, so I killed him

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~A little while later~

          We had another victory, yay. I was sitting on the couch when Horror came up to me, "Hey Ice, can you teach me how to use an axe as big as yours?" "I don't know, I'm not really feeling up to it.." "Why? What's wrong?" I pulled out the serum and he replied "Oh, understood." I put it back as he started begging, "Fine.." "YESSS" 

          After training he hugged me and... I felt... at peace, calm, h-... happy. I smiled a bit and hugged back, I told him to tell Nighty I was going on a walk, few minutes later I was walking through the woods, oddly enough I felt someone stalking me, I didn't care.. And I soon lived to regret that choice.

3RD Person POV:

          Ice was walking through the woods, being aware of the shadowy figure lurking with his two friends in the shade of the old oak trees dancing in the soft mid-afternoon breeze. The sun blared down on Ice as she entered a meadow, "Ugh, sunlight.. Time to head back." She said starting to sweat in the heat of the afternoon sun, the shadows pounced, striking at Ice's weakest point. She screamed at the top of her lungs to alert the others, she tried to fight the three, but they put a metal ring around her neck with an amethyst on it, disabling her powers. She really REALLY didn't wanna leave the Multiverse just yet.

          She knocked each and everyone out, or so she thought. She looked down at trio to see none other than the Star Sanses, she started walking back. Then after seeing and hearing them shift and wake up, she started running. Dream was the first to chase her, then Ink, then Blue. She can feel her skin melting into sweat from the heat of the afternoon, 'Goddammit!' She thought as she started getting weaker, 'The other's probably didn't hear me', she said in her mind with doubt, she figured she was most likely too far from the castle. 

          Dream shot a few arrows, and in a flash, someone or something, had opened a portal in that very second, leaped through while grabbing Ice in the process, and jumped into another portal. Though the arrows Dream had fired impaled Ice's savior, but that savior... was Dream's crush, and he knew it. 

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