Dream Gone... Rogue?!?(CH11)

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Kiwi's POV:

          "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, I'M HAVING A SISTER!!!" I shout in excitement, I can't believe it. I'm actually going to have a sister. "Yep, and I can't wait either!" dad replies to my overexcitement. I jump out of his arms to go and tell the rest. 

~A little While Later~

          We all have settled down now, we decided to watch a movie as kind of like a family. Uncle Nighty even turned into his passive form just for the occasion! "Everyone ready to start the movie?" I asked holding the remote ready to start it. As everyone went to reply Ink came up out of nowhere "Help! We need help! Dream's gone rogue!" They were covered in injuries, blood, dirt, and scars. And by 'they' I mean Ink and Blue. Error went to help them first, Nightmare the last of course, I on the other hand rushed right after Uncle Error. I have never met them personally, but I would like to! I really would. 

          After a few minutes of Blue's and Ink's lovers asking a lot of questions, Ink finally noticed me. "And who's this little one?" He asked, "Hi, I'm Kiwi. Nice to meet you Ink!" He shook my teeny tiny hand with his finger. I now start healing the two. Blue had also finally noticed me, "AWWWW!! You're so tinyyy! And so cuuute!" He goes to pet my head. So "Touch me and I'll take your spine and shove it so far down your throat you'll cough each piece out one by one like a pez dispenser." Everyone just looks at me besides mom and dad, "You can definitely tell that's our girl." Mom said, "Right you are Glitchy my dear~" Dad replied, ew. The gang just started laughing ay Blue's fear.

Ink's POV:

          As I watch Blue back down into Dust's lap, Error asks me, "Hey Inky, what happened before he went rogue?" Oh. "Well, we were planning how to get Glitch on our side instead of killing her, but all Dream wanted to do was kill her, and he hasn't stopped. As soon as I suggested a good plan, Blue agreed but then we asked Dream what he thinks. Although he just stood up, slammed his fist on the table, and yelled something along the lines of 'You guys don't realize how much damage she has caused,' and that 'it's her fault Nightmare is against us.' He then told us we have no choice but to kill her. Me and Blue protested, and that's when he turned into his goopy version, and then attacked us. Thus chasing us out of our own base..." I can feel tears starting to form, then all of the sudden Error hugs me tighter, it feels nice. Very nice.

          It's been a few hours, and it looks like Cross isn't taking it so well that Dream has gone rogue. Dust, Killer, and Horror are trying their best to calm him down. And why doesn't that surprise me? Because Glitch told me they're like family, and that the 'Bad' Sanses aren't so 'bad' after all. Killer is in Nightmare's arms on his throne taking a stress nap. Error is comforting me as well, Blue's alright, thankfully. He's just helping Dust with reassuring Cross everything will be fine. 

3RD Person POV:

          They had formed an alliance, with a deal to boot. As long as they don't destroy, Ink won't create. Ink and Blue also gotten to know Kiwi and Glitch better. Which they really enjoyed of course. While on the other hand, Dream, or maybe I should say... Shattered Dream, is planning and plotting how to kill Glitch before what he believed was 'corrupting their minds' happened. 

~Two Weeks Later~

          It's a Saturday night, stormy, lightening and thundering, at three in the morning. Glitch can't sleep, even in her lover's arms, she can't find the right position, so she goes down to the lounge, slightly ignoring the silhouette lurking in the very depths of the thick shadows that fill the castle. As Glitch yawns lazily, she enters the kitchen finishing her yawn. She hears distant footsteps, figuring it was one of her teammates she ignores it. 

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