Totally Weak or Secretly Strong??? (CH10)

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(Picture done by me)

Nightmare's POV:

          It has been a year or so since Glitch dumped Sci, although the feelings I've been feeling from Dream aren't... The most positive feelings. Ink, I had noticed has started to slowly... Lose them. And Blue's negative feelings has also increased. Glitch has grown distant from everyone on top of all that, most of the time she's in her room hanging out with Hate and some other tiny presence. the only good news that came out of this year is that we finally got that collar off Glitch a few weeks ago.

          I was walking by her room when I heard not her, not Hate, but that tiny presence giggle. I was wondering who it was so I put my hand on the knob and started to turn it. All of a sudden someone grabbed my hand and spun me around, I had saw Glitch giving me her death stare. Oh shit, I think I fucked up. "What are you doing.?" She asked, tilting her head in a bit of a creepy manner. "I heard someone in there so I went to check. Why did you stop me? Are you hiding something from us?" I had turned the tables, 'SCORE ONE FOR NIGHTY' I thought to myself in triumph. 

          She started visibly sweating, heh, I'm right! "Um, n-" I cut her off, "You know I can smell lies from a mile away, just tell me what you're hiding, I promise whoever it is, I won't kill it." She settled a bit. "Fine.." she pushed beside me and open her door, I peek in to see a small adorable girl with the cutest of smiles. She looked like she was about a year old. "Hun, I want you to meet someone," 'HUN??!!' She stepped beside so the child can see me. She looked like a little raccoon with gorgeous fluffy hair, the most adorable freckles, and eyes similar to what a Sans would have but... A bit different. Huh.

          Honestly she looked a bit creepy, but being me I liked it

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          Honestly she looked a bit creepy, but being me I liked it. "Nighty, this is Kiwi. Kiwi this is my best friend Nighty, or as most people call him, Nightmare." "He looks like one too." "Why thank you~" "Whatever." She replied. She sounded like a depressed two year old. "How old are you?" "Five. Why.?" Damn, she really does sound depressed. "Just wondering?" "Nighty, can I talk to you out in the hall for a minute?" "Sure." 

Glitch's POV:

          I explained to Nightmare after telling Kiwi we'd be in the hall if she needed anything, that Kiwi can be helpful. "Please let her stay, she may seem useless and weak, but I'm sure we can teach her how to use her magic. I overheard her original mother say that when she's 13, and when her body is fully developed, she'll have one million HP, now who can pass an opportunity like this?" I saw his jaw drop as soon as I said how much HP she'll eventually have. "Well of course she can stay!" "YES, you WON'T regret this Nighty!!" I then hugged him tightly, in which of course he hugged back.

          "But we can't tell specifically three people, or should I say.. Skeletons." "Let me guess, Killer, Dust, and Horror?" "Yeah! They'll terrify the living daylights out of her-" "Terrify who?" All three said in unity as they came towards us, "N-nothing! N-no one!" I managed to spit out in reply. They hadn't believed me, go figure. "Really?" Killer said, raising a nonexistent eyebrow. "Fine, I'll tell you guys in due time. For now fuck off and have a 3some." They all growled at me and told me to shut my damn mouth and left. Nightmare was just on the ground laughing his ass off.

~8 years later, in the present~

Kiwi's POV:

            I kept placing my favorite stuffed animal in different places around the castle, making everyone think it's possessed. Since they didn't know about my existence and all, I decided to play pranks. Mom, dad, AND uncle Nighty was all in it too! It's so fun! This time I placed it right in front of uncle Error so when he wakes up it'll be in his face. He usually wakes up right about- "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" now! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It never gets old. He runs out of his room as I go to the door and listen to him quickly race down the hall severely glitching out. I then teleport to his room and take my teddy back, then I teleport back into my room. 

          I've now calmed down from laughing, I start to play with my dolls when someone knocks at the door. Mom had always told me to ask before letting people in, "Who is it?" "It's me Nighty," "Come in!" He walks in with the rest of the gang, "So we finally meeting after 9 years?" "Apparently" Egghead replied, that's what I call Horror. He looks like an egg with a whole in it, "I already know who all of you are, I'm Kiwi. I am also 13 years old, smarter than I look, and my personality is twice the size of egghead's over there." I point to Horror. Everyone started laughing their butts off besides Horror, he just scowled and said "I am not an egghead you uncultured swine of a spoiled daddy's girl!!" He just fucked up.

          I summon my katanas, one green and the other purple, I cut his clothes off all except his underwear. I did it so quick all they could see was me move my swords. "Don't fuck with me, Egghead." He runs back to his room as everyone except uncle Nighty cringes in fear. "What A badass 13 year old!" Killer comments. "Heh, thanks Kills." "Just telling the truth!" He says as Dust nods in agreement. "You're gonna fit right in!" He says as he finishes nodding his nonexistent nose off. Crossy has been silent this entire time.

          "You ok Crossy? You're a bit silent." I spoke up, "What? Oh, yeah, just wondering where Chara is. It's been a while since he talked to me, like a few days almost." "Well I'm sure whatever the reason it's a good one." I reassured him. He just nodded and left. Dad comes in since everyone is leaving, he picks me up and says, "I have good news!" "OH??!! WHAT IS IT??!!" I'm very anxious to know what it is! It could be that the Star Sanses surrendered finally! Or it could be-"You're getting a little sister!" "WHAT???!!!"

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