Musical Note (CH4)

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Glitch's POV:

          'I can't believe it! He likes me!' I thought in excitement, "I uh.. uhm... uh...." I couldn't find the right words. I don't know why, I just couldn't. Until something that caught my eye interrupted my train thought. He looked as if an experiment he'd been working on for a few years had failed, he was sad, he probably thought I didn't actually have the same feelings. Tears starting forming at the corners of his eyesockets. "Hey, don't cry. I do have the same feelings, I was just so flustered I couldn't find the right words at the moment!" I hugged him and gently kissed him on the cheek, he returned the hug after a second or so, "R-really? Even after a-all these years?" "Yes,"

          We hugged for at least fifteen straight minutes before finally separating, he then showed me some experiments before leading me to his room where we laid and cuddled for a while just plainly talking, and catching up about stuff. It was nice, being with him, just cuddling, laying, and talking. It must've been hours since either one of us had moved a muscle. Will it cause slight joint pain? Yes. Do I give two fucks? Absolutely... NOT. This was very special for me, I hadn't seen him for at least three hundred years, or more. Honestly, I lost track of time and dates. I decided to stay the night, I texted the Bad Sanses chat group and everyone was ok with it. As long as I was back my noon the next day.

~Tem Skip To The Next Day~

          I woke up next to a sleeping Sci, I smiled softly and glanced at the time, 'HOLY SHIT' it was 12:30PM. I kissed him on the forehead and slowly got up to make sure I didn't wake him. I got dressed and opened a portal into the lounge where I saw Nightmare on his throne with a glare as hard as glacier. 'Holy crap he's mad!' I thought to myself as I stepped through the portal and into the lounge, I closed it behind me. The room was in complete and utterly awkward silence... 

          Until I broke it of course. "Sorry I was late! Me and Sci slept in, I didn't hear my phone's alarm clock either." Nightmare just gave a disapproving sigh, so I went to my room. I remembered how I have an electric guitar. I grabbed it from my closet, I remember how each and every song I played had a special meaning behind it. Most were about... them. I couldn't help but shiver in fear of them breaking free, even worse, separating from my body. I started playing a small tune, it progressed, got into an entire rhythm. then before I knew it... I was singing from the depths of my soul. 

          I admit, I was kind of sounding different, that was them. I knew every single word was coming from my feelings, my head, my heart, my soul, and them. But the only thing I don't do in rock songs like this is the screaming. I sing, not scream. A few minutes of singing, I stopped and settled on my bed, I heard the door creak open and I saw everyone. I was so fucking pissed until they started clapping and telling me it was amazing. "Wow, I never knew you can play guitar like that!" "Yeah! I'm a bit jealous!" Were some of the words I can make out through all their 'congratulating'. "Th-thanks guys.." I looked down, everyone started touching my guitar. I snapped, I snatched it out of their hands and gave them my stare. I don't take my stare lightly, not. At. All. "Grrrr..." I low, deep, menacing growl came from the depths of my soul. They all stepped and looked terrified, even Nightmare. I calmed down and blinked, releasing my tense posture. "Sorry, just don't touch my stuff that withholds special and valuable memories." They all nodded, but sat there and started asking me about stuff like "How did you learn to play?" "When did you start playing?" But of course not to anger me I guess, they took turns and waited for me to answer. 

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