Nerdy Love (CH3)

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Glitch's POV: 

Please... End this dream...


End it now... Someone... Anyone...

"Glitch wake up"

End it, someone! Please! 


I heard multiple people scream my name. I sat up in bed, finally awake but crying. I saw everyone spread out in front of me with concerned looks, Nightmare then gave me a hug and asked "Are you ok?! I came to wake you up to discuss our first mission, and I saw you crying and talking in your sleep begging for someone to end something." "I wanted my dream to end, thankfully it did..." "You can tell me later about it, after-" I interrupted him without realizing, "I was in a white void, and... Error was there too." Everyone then looked at him as I described it. "tHE aNtI-VoId?" "Apparently..." I replied. "Is that it?" Horror asked. I shook my head and told them. Everyone had questionable looks as silence came once again. "What was so bad about it exactly?" Dust spoke up finally. "It made me realize how lonely I feel without family..." Everyone looked at me in what looked like empathy. There was a depressing silence until Error spoke up, "If yOu WaNt I cAn Be A fIlL iN fOr a bRotHeR!" He held out a hand to me as everyone looked at him in half shock and half confusion. I took it and pulled him into a hug, he glitched a little more than usual then hugged back. "Thank you so much, Error." "DoN'T MenTiON iT," "How can I ever repay a huge favor like this?" "YoU dOn'T haVE tO. CoNsidER it A JeStUrE oF gOOd wIll!" "Oh, ok! If you insist."

3RD Person:

Now since that problem is solved, everyone got up, ate breakfast, and then started discussing their next mission, "I was thinking Underswap this time." Killer told them. "Nah, too basic. How 'bout Outertale?" "DiDn'T I tEll YoU gUys I aCTuaLLy lIkE oUtErTalE?!" "Right, what's say you Glitch?" Dust asked her, although she had zoned out. "Hello? Nightmare to Glitch, you alive?... You in there?" She snapped out of her train of thought, "Oh, s-sorry, what about Underlust? Why don't we get rid of that filthy place full of whores and sluts?" Everyone smiled insanely, besides Cross of course. He was the only sane person here, "For once I agree," Cross had replied to her. They had a few disagreements ever since she woke up yesterday in Nightmare's bed, and ever since she scared the shit out of Chara and Cross. 


During causing destruction in Underlust, they of course ran into none other than the Star Sanses themselves. "Who's that? Huh? Another forced salve?" Ink asked when he saw Glitch, Dream on the other hand, already knew the answer to that. Blue was just star-struck by her appearance. She looked so cool, so epic, but her face so delicate. It made him blush just a little bit, nothing noticeable, at least not yet. He just stood there with his jaw dropped.

Dream's POV:

I couldn't believe it, 'how? How could she have slipped through their fingers?!' He thought in annoyance and disbelief. "Glitch?! But, h-how-" He was interrupted by Ink, "You know her?! Who is she? I didn't create her, I-" I pounced, not giving anyone a chance to think, react, nor talk one. More. Syllable. Her reflexes were just as quick as mine, she hasn't changed one bit. We're evenly matched, even though she's a glitch. I should've killed her when I had the chance. Maybe I wouldn't have put everyone in danger like this. I realized I zoned out, she grabbed my arm and threw me back into the portal we came in, I felt me hit someone else. Turns out it was Ink, I tried to get up until Blue and someone else was thrown on top of us. "NO!!! MY AU!!!" It was Lust. Ink's portal then somehow closed. Knew it... They have Underlust. 

3RD Person:

After Error had stripped the code, everyone celebrated in a huge dinner Glitch had made. Nightmare stood up as the food was served. "Attention!" Everyone turned their attention to Nightmare and he said, "I think this is going to be a new, wonderful change! Glitch is the best asset we've had to our group in such a long time! Let's all give cheers to Glitch," She blushed as everyone gave cheers and started digging into the delicious food. 

After eating, everyone had left the kitchen and went to the lobby, Glitch gathered all the dishes and washed them. She then went into the lobby herself, she sat on the couch as a lovely memory came up of her childhood crush, Science!Sans. "Hey, uh, does anyone know what happened to Sci over the years?" "He's been where he's been since you last saw him, nothing changed. If you want you can go visit... him?" Glitch had already opened a portal into his lab and jumped through by time Nightmare finished his sentence. 

Glitch's POV: 

'It's been so fucking long since I saw him! I can't believe it, I'm here, in his lab, again! A day I thought that'd never come, but I'm here! In his lab!' I thought in pure excitement. I couldn't wait, I really couldn't wait. I felt as if I didn't see him soon I was going to explode. 'But... He isn't here...' I thought to myself as I checked at least half of his lab. I was about to start talking to myself when I ran into someone, "Agh! Watch where you're going, will ya?" I don't like being knocked into, plus at that time I didn't know who it was until I heard his soft sweet voice. "S-sorry!!" Sci, it was him! "SCI!!" I hugged him so tight he couldn't breathe, and of course he didn't mind. "Glitch!!" He returned the breath-taking hug.

We both released after what seemed like an hour, it was only a few minutes. "I'm so happy to see you! But, how'd you get out of solitary confinement?" "I'm so happy to see you too! And to answer your question, I don't know. They were shipping me to "better confinement," then when we went through a hurricane, so I passed out in my room and I woke up in the middle of the ocean. No boat, no ship, nothing in sight! All I had is a compass, and a pair of magical handcuffs they forgot to make waterproof." 

"So why do you think they left you?" he had a look full of curiosity, and probably a head full of questions. "I think by that night my sentence was over." "Wow, also, heh... you don't happen to have the same feelings you did for me when you left, d-do you?" I saw cute green blush spread across his cheek bones. And I felt my fluffy cheeks heat up with deep purple as well. 

(Sorry for no illustration again TwT)

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