FLEX that 12-PACK

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Forever ago there was this show called Daisy of Love, it was one of those dating shows, and Flex and 12-Pack were both on that an they had this silly bromance and I am using the names for them that Daisy gave them so I present.
TJ Markiewicz as Flex
David Amerman as 12-Pack
And the one and only
Levi Michaels as Derek.


The next morning was literally hell for everyone involved. I woke up with a pounding headache, a spot on my neck that really hurt and extremely chapped lips. But I was still wrapped up in Niall's purple and black stripped wanna be Baja hoodie that is actually all super soft on the inside, hence the wanna be part. I so graciously stumbled into the kitchen/living area praying for pain killers and a giant glass of water and was met by the most wonderful sight known to man, Gabie's cooking.

"Ugh breakfast." I groaned, wanting the delicious looking food but I really didn't want to throw up.

"Good Morning, Harry." Gabie said sweetly while piling the pancakes on to a serving dish. "Do you want some juice? I can get you some pain killers too?" She said holding out a glass of apple juice.

"Gabie, did it hurt when you fell from Heaven? Or were you sent down as a gift from God?" I said takin the glass of apple juice from her and gently kissing her cheek.

"Hey no mackin on my woman Styles!" Liam said way to loudly for my pounding head.

"Shh," I said holding up my hand to his face, "shh" I pointed at his lips, "shhh" I covered his mouth, "I will put my fist in your mouth" I finished as I made a fist over his mouth. Liam just shoved my hand away and kissed Gaby good morning before grabbing his own glass of juice and the painkillers.

"Did you just quote Bob's Burgers at my Styles." I watched Liam pop open the bottle and fish two before he set them in front of me.

"Don't judge me Liam, I hurt all over."

"Yea well I'm sure you do, you and your blonde bad boy were being quite rowdy last night." Liam said with a smirk and dropped his gaze to my neck.

"What are you talking about?" I rushed over to the nearest mirror an saw it, the giant purplish looking bruise thing on my neck. "Oh that."

"Yea that, you really can't be to mad at him though. You were the one who was asking for it." Liam said looking all smug. I just flipped him off and laid my head on the table.

"I feel dead." Lauren said sauntering in with her little baby trotting behind her, both looking as fabulous as ever.

"You certainly don't look dead." I said without lifting my head from the table.

"Awe thanks babe, but you do. You boys give me nothing to work with. Lauren said while plopping down as gracefully as one can plop at the table.

"Where is Louis?" Gabie asked while handing Lauren a glass of juice as well.

"Still dead asleep," Lauren answered dishing herself breakfast. "That feisty little brunette really seems to give him a run for his money." I was up putting my dishes in the sink when we heard a knock coming from the front door and all groaned. Only one person uses that knock, well two but they are never not seen together.

"Maybe if we don't answer the door they will go away." Liam sage whispered at me. I sighed knowing that would never work, these boys where the most persistent men on the planet. I slowly walked to the door excepting our fate and only feeling mildly bad for Louis who was about to get his behind handed to him. I opened the door and there were my two worst nightmares. Flex and 12-Pack our personal trainers/ body guards. Two things about Flex and 12-Pack; one, they have real names and we do know them they just prefer these ones and two, they are madly in love with not only themselves but also each other.

"Hey Harry." Flex said with his big bright smile and came in for a hug. "I've missed you losers."

"Seriously our vacation was actually kind of boring without having to make sure you three don't cause any trouble. We almost didn't enjoy our cruise." 12-Pack said sarcastically, hugging me after Flex.

"Where is Louis?" 12-Pack said after they had come and said hi to everyone and given lots of love.

"Um...he is just...." Liam stuttered trying to come up with an excuse for Louis.

"He is still asleep." I said throwing Louis under the bus. I'm sure there was something I had to get him back for that I could cash this in as. Flex and 12-Pack both shook their heads and then Flex smirked. A little fact about Flex, he is a sweetheart unless you piss him off or do something you aren't supposed to he has a bit of a short fuse and when he smirked you knew you were in massive trouble.

We all watched as Flex filled up a cup of ice water and then calmly walked into the bunk hall. And then we heard a very mainly, or very girly I depends on who you ask, scream.

I feel I need to add that Flex and 12-Pack or in reality David/Dave and TJ are both straight and they are not really dating. This show was on in 2009 okay? That was before shipping, if you said something about two guys being cute together a being in a bromance people got defensive so I am just clarifying that this is all fictional. That goes for everyone I have used, this is by no means real.

Question thing that no one ever answers!: What's your OTP of like all OTPs?

My answer that no one reads!: Merthur

Contest: Finish! this! Quote! "Saving people, Hunting things........."
Extra points if you don't know it and you admit to Googling it.

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