Girl Talk

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A/N: So obviously I have changed my mind, this chapter shall be the girls not the next. And it's going to be in Simbaline's pov because I can control her, she isn an actual person. I hope you like this.


After Niall's totally freak out at the big meeting Dani, Bethanie and I decided that we should try to get to know the girls that hang out with After 5 a little better. We thought it would be a nice idea to just meet up at someone's place and talk. The thing is I don't do well with people. I did pretty good when everyone was over because Donny was there and he tends to make sure I am okay but I don't know if I can sit in a strangers house and just be expected to act cool.

"What at you wearing to this Sim?" Bethanie asked from inside my closet. "I want to know if I need to dress up or what."

"Um I am wearing my black studded shorts, my batman tank top, my low rise motorcycle boots and my anthem made beanie."

"Okay so stealing your shredded skinny jeans and a Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt would totally be expectable?"

"Yea and just wear your vans, they look good with it." Bethanie just nodded her head. She and I have always been close, she's the little sister of Jasper who has been the bass player for AWAC sense the band formed freshman year of highschool. I didn't meet them till Junior year though when I moved and started going to the same school as them. Things haven't really changed sense then, Killian and Nicky are still dating, Jasper is still over protective of her little sister who Stephan still hits on and Dani still has yet to really warm up to me. The only big thing that has changed is that now Niall seems to be hiding something from me. We used to all be so close but now we seem to be drifting apart.

"We leaving or what?" Dani says strutting into my room acting like she owns the place. Good thing she doesn't, she has horrible taste.

"Yea, yea I am almost ready." Bethanie and I said at the same time and then looked at each other and smirked, we do that almost as well as the twins.

We finally got to the flat that one of the girls, Gabie I think her name was the one who Niall yelled at anyway, gave us. She was kind enough to offer her and Liam's place for us to use for this meeting. It made more sense then my place considering I live with the twins and Killian and we all kind of just met there. It also worked better because Bethanie lives with Jasper and he isn't the most organised person in the world and sense their parents died a few years ago they kind of just leave things the way they like them.

"Simbaline you ready to go in?" Bethanie asked me while holding the door inside the building open.

"Let's get this over with." I followed Bethanie and Dani to a reception desk type thing and let them handle everything, I really don't like talking to people I don't know. The receptionist lady looked at the screen of her computer before asking for ID and then waving toward the elevator for us to take up to the flat.

When we got to the door of the flat we knocked and heard a loud barking and some shuffling before the door was opened. Gabie was standing in the door way holding back a golden lab.

"Oh Duchess calm down." She said pushing the dog back into the flat. "Hey ladies, did you have any trouble finding your way." She asked as she guided us into the bright, spacious living room. Everything was light with a light blue carpet, dark blue couches, a white coffee table and light coming in from the large sliding glass door that lead out to a terrace.

"We found it pretty easily." Bathanie said leaning down to pet Duchess.

"That's good." She said with a genuine smile. "Feel free to sit down anywhere. Can I get you guys anything to drink? Water, tea or juice?"

"Simbaline and I would love a glass of juice." Bethanie said sitting down on a couch and pulling me down next to her.

"I am fine." Dani said sitting down on one of the couches next to Lauren, After 5's stylist who was scrolling on her phone. Gabie came back in with our juice and sat down on one of the chairs that were sitting next to a large tank that seemed to be empty.

"So what exactly are we meeting for?" Lauren asked looking up from her phone.

"Well first off we would like to apologise for Niall's behaviour. He has been a little off lately." Bethanie said, I just nodded along still feeling a bit to shy to say anything. "Also we wanted to know if you girls were going on your with the guys? I mean obviously you are Lauren but what about you Gabie?"

"I have been thinking about it but its a little hard with Dutchess and Trevor." She said pointing toward the tank.

"What's in there?" I asked suprising everyone, including myself.

"He is turtle." She said with small smile. I just nodded reverting back to being quite.

"Is there anyone who could come look in on them maybe? Or bring them with you. I know I am bringing Toby, my kitten, Simbaline and Donny are bringing Binxx and Killian and Nick are coming because they do merch and their bringing their kitten Salem."

"I don't know." she started with some uncertainty.

"Gabie, even I am bringing Princess." Lauren said then turning to us and adding. "She is my yorkie."

"I guess we can bring her and I am sure Liam's sister would be willing to look in on Trevor." She said convincing herself more and more as she continued. My phone started vibrating and I looked down to see a text from Donnivan.

Hey Love, our meeting ended. Liam or whatever his name is said you ladies were all over at his place. We are all heading there right now.

That made me really happy, with him here I should relax a little more. After a little bit of small talk we all heard loud footsteps up to the door and what can only be known as the sound of guys. Then the door opened up and the large group of boys all shoved into the flat looking a little more at ease around each other.

"Hey love, you doing okay?" Donny said coming up in front of my and dropping down to his knees to hold my face in his hands.

"Yea babe I am fine." I said trying to show him that I am fine.

"You sure Simbaline?" Niall said walking up to me.

"I swear guys I am fine."

A/N: Okay it's here I am sorry I promised a better chapter and I am not very happy with this one either. I will update soon.

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