~Chapter 3: Luffy~

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Hello! I do not own any of the characters of One Piece, they are all created by Eiichiro Oda. The plot of this story was originally created by me.




I slammed my hand on my alarm clock, which was on my nightstand next to my bed.  My stomach growled loudly. "Meat..." I groaned. Ace had come barging into my room suddenly out of nowhere. 

"Grandpa is here this morning and made pancakes and bacon. You are welcome to come to have some, if I don't eat if all, of course." Ace winked at me as I quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs. No way was I going to let Ace eat all of the pancakes and bacon.

I had started shoving food into my mouth right away, not even speaking to anybody.

"So, I'm here this morning for once and you aren't even going to speak to me, huh?" Grandpa said in my ear, startling me.

I smiled and pointed to his food. "This is really good. Sanji makes better food though."

"I'm not a cook, dammit Luffy," Grandpa said, "Of course his cooking is better than mine."

"Shishishi, okay," I laughed. 

"So, anyone have anything new going on?" Grandpa asked, also shoving food inside of his mouth. 

Ace shook his head. "Luffy and I still have the same dream as always, right bud?" he said.

I nodded. "We're going to become pirates, right? Even if it isn't possible, shishishi." 

Grandpa hid his face in his hands. "What kind of grandchildren do I have?" he complained, "You guys were supposed to become cops, not fictional criminals." 

"We wouldn't necessarily be bad pirates, though," Ace explained, "We just want to roam free and not have anyone telling us what to do." 

"You need some laws, though," Grandpa said, "Even if you don't want any." 

"Whatever." Ace shrugged and continued eating. 

Then, the doorbell had rung. Grandpa had answered it, surprised. "Why do I have two teenage girls in my doorway?" he complained, "Ace? Luffy?" 

Ace shrugged and sat on his phone. It must've been Nami and Robin, then. But, it was 9 a.m. Why are they here?

"Oi, Grandpa! Does one girl have orange hair and the other have raven-colored hair?" I asked Grandpa.

"Yup," Grandpa said. Yeah, it was definitely Robin and Nami.

"Sorry if we were interrupting anything, Garp-San," I heard Robin say, "We just need Luffy's help with some planning for the barbecue we are having later."

Grandpa shrugged and let the girls in. I could smell Nami's tangerine perfume over all of the food, even though it had seemed as if she had just rolled out of bed. Damn, the scent was strong.

"Hello, Ace. Hello, Luffy," Robin greeted with a smile. Ace waved at both Robin and Nami and continued staring at his phone. The girls and I all went up to my room, with the door open, because Grandpa insisted I left the door open when I had girls over. What was his deal?

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