Chapter 8: The Prophecy of the Wallflower Ninja

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When they got inside the temple, everything was dark and they can see nothing but stoned walls, a stone tablet with a prophecy written in it, a small hallway and a circular wall with five arch-like and door-like walls in front of them with different patterns on it. You can see that almost all the corners were covered in webs because it was built a long time ago.

When Tails looked at the readings on the same stone tablet, he called out to the others,"Hey, guys. You might wanna look at this".

Everyone headed over to look at the stone tablet. They looked over and saw that the readings were ancient-like writings that they didn't understand what it meant. Well, almost everyone.

"What does it say?", asked Vector scratching his head in confusion.

When Destinee looked over, she recognized it and turned to the others,"It must be the prophecy of the Wallflower Ninja. It tells about how she must defeat the dark lord before he causes anymore destruction".

"Which must be you, Destinee! I mean, we all know you're the main part of the prophecy: the Wallflower Ninja!", said Charmy.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Chao-chao, chao-chao-chao-chao", suggested Juniper.

"What Juniper means to say is that we should let Knuckles read the ancient writings since he once did in the Gigan Rocks", suggested Runa.

After a few discussions, Knuckles walked over and read these ancient writings in the stone tablet:

"The Prophecy of the Wallflower Ninja

One ninja shall rise to the top
One shall overcome obstacles and challenges
With no need to be taught by a mentor, but herself
O' the power shall overcome the Dark
The Dark that's full of destruction that destroyed her home
With a guardian by her side, there will always be hope
Whether physically or in spirit
Thus, they will always live together no matter what
And together, they'll realize how they feel about each other
The feeling that's never felt before"

After he read the prophecy out loud, the whole gang discussed to each other about what it means.

"That Wallflower Ninja is obviously Destinee", said Rouge.

"I agree. Before she met all of us, she taught herself Ninjutsu, partly to fulfill the prophecy", stated Tails.

"And the guardian fighting alongside her must be Espio", stated Shadow looking at him.

"Wait, really?", everyone else asked turning to him.

"Yes. When the Chaotix told us about her, it seemed like she and Espio are getting along really well", he explained.

That's when it hit everyone else (except Vector and Charmy, who snickered secretly because they already know).

"Woah, you don't think...", said Tails surprised, then turning to Sonic.

"Yeah. Well, I know what this is", he said as almost everyone smirked at Espio and Destinee. Omega and Gemerl recognized it as a romantic attraction.

No. No, it can't be. Are we in love with each other? Do I really love him? Even during my quest to fulfill the prophecy?, Destinee thought.

Could it be? Could it be that I might have feelings for her? Even if we fight alongside each other?, Espio asked himself in thought.

They were brought back to reality when Bearace asked the others,"Chao-chao-chao?".

That's when Runa blinked that she was reminded of something,"Oh, right! Bearace was asking about the dark lord, who destroyed Destinee's home".

That's when everyone thought about it and Tails spoke up,"Hmm... I don't know. It can be any villain. Maybe it was someone we've never faced before".

"We all don't know, who that dark lord is, but once you encounter him, all you'll see is a dark gas, orange eyes and he doesn't have a mouth", explained Destinee.

"Maybe if the prophecy said something about the Wallflower Ninja with a guardian by her side, maybe it's not only a job for Destinee, but also Espio's", stated Amy.

Everyone agreed as they all understood what the prophecy meant. Espio and Destinee looked at each other and nodded. Then, they headed in front of the five door-like walls to start their quest through the temple.

You can hear Cream's voice calling out to them, "We'll wait outside for you until you complete your quest!".

"Chao-chao!", Cheese agreed.

After the two chameleons gave her a sign that they heard her, the rest of the gang headed outside for a picnic break.

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