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『 C H A P T E R 30 』     🤍

,,Hello Melanie." Louis greeted the daycare teacher, smiling at her.

,,Hello, Mr. Tomlinson." she greeted him back.

,,Please, call me Louis. I've told you plenty of times." the Omega pouted playfully, laughing.

,, I'm so sorry, Lou. There's just so many parents." Melanie laughed with him. ,,I'll go get them."

She walked away and Louis was waiting patiently for his three little bundles of joy.

,,Mommy!" Darce was the first one to run towards him, hugging his legs.

,,My little girl. How have you been?" Louis kissed her cheek after he picked her up.

,,Good! We played with Issy and Violet." Darcy spoke excitedly.

,,That's nice, princess." Louis nodded, smiling at the girl's enthusiasm. ,,Where are you brothers, honey?"

It was a while and they didn't come yet.

,,They got into trouble." Darcy whispered. ,,But don't tell mommy!"

,,I would never!" Louis fake gasped, playing along with his daughter.

,,Sorry for the wait, they didn't want to apologise to Mason." Melanie smiled softly.

,,What happened?" Louis asked, shocked expression now adoring his face.

His boys weren't bad, or were they?

,,It was just a little fight over a toy, we've got plenty of them daily." Melanie smiled sympathetically. ,,Owen didn't want to share the toy with Mason and Noah was trying to convince him to do so."

,,Is that true, Owen?" Louis raised his eyebrows slightly, voice laced with disappointment.

,,Yes, mommy." Owen said.

He didn't even dare to look into Louis' eyes.

,,Thank you, Melanie."

Louis made sure that he'll talk to his boys at home about this situation.

,,No problem." she smiled. ,,See you three on Monday, okay?"

They said their goodbyes and Louis helped the kids to dress into their warm clothes and put their boots on. ,,Let's get home, shall we?"

Owen didn't say a word for the rest of the way to the car.

,,Owen, why didn't you share your toy with Mason?" Louis asked carefully.

He wasn't mad, he couldn't be.

He could never be mad at his puppies, at least not for long.

,,He didn't ask me to. He started taking it from me!" Owen defended himself, pouting.

,,Then why did you try to convince Owen to give the toy to Mason, Noah?" Louis asked, knitting his eyebrows together.

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