Chapter 8

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        I guess my theory about me being outside most of the time was right, but surprisingly my sister was inside most of the time, but there was a catch. She would be singing Christmas songs at the top of her lungs, even though we don't even celebrate Christmas. So, to save my ears from Meg's torture. I sit on our drive way, sketching, reading,and just doing absolutely nothing. Josh would stop by sometimes, but we never talked about the man.

"You must be board right, I mean without Bea and Dalilah around?" He asks me one afternoon.

"Yea, a bit. They told me that they weren't going to be here for break a while back. But I think I can manage. So what about you, are getting board of the seventy-five degree winter." I say with a soft laugh.

"Yea sometimes, but then I come hang out with you. You seem to be good company."He looks at me with a smirk, and I just turn my eyes the other way.

"Hey are you trying to be sarcastic?" I say with sarcasm.

"Huh, no way, I 'm totally serious."

"Well thanks, I guess. You're not as weird as I thought you were."

        I quickly realize what I just admitted, but not quick enough. Josh darts his eyes at me with confusion."Uh what, you thought I was weird? What did I ever do to you?"He asks.

"Oh, nothing much. Sorry. Hehe." I say as awkwardly as I can possibly get.

"Yea yea." He says in a teasing tone. "Well I'll see you tomorrow, it's getting kind of late.Bye."


        I get in my room, put my things away, then plop on my bed. It hasn't been two minutes into more relaxation when the phone starts to ring. I pick it up and it's Dalilah.

"Hey Kassi, how are you? I've been wanting to talk to you for like forever."

"I'm good, I've been wanting to talk to you too. I've missed you guys so much. When are you coming back?"I ask enthusiastically.

"Really soon, don't worry. So what have you been up to?"

         Dalilah and I talked for hours. We took so long on the phone I missed dinner. I was so hungry by the end of our conversation that skipping dinner wasn't even an option. So, I went downstairs to get a little snack. Everyone was asleep so it was pitch black throughout the house. I turned the lights on and got some chips and juice. I got upstairs and was about to shut the lights off. As I turned around to flip the switch I see something at the bottom of the steps. It was the man from the abandoned house. The same exact man that tried to get Josh and I, and today he looks angrier than ever.

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