Chapter 10

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        "Thanks for helping me out when I was sick."Josh says as we walk home.

"What you helped him, an act of kindness?" Dalilah can overreact sometimes, and this is one of those times

"Yeah, she practically saved my life." He says with a smile.

"Well I thought it was obvious to not be wearing ten pounds of blankets when you have a fever." I say with a quirk of my eyebrow.

When Dalilah's house comes she waves goodbye, and leaves Josh and I alone walking down the street."So you wanted to talk to me about something?" He asks.

"Huh?What do you mean?" I say.

"Remember, when you came over, and I was close to death? Is everything okay?"

"Not really. Well, the night before I came over I saw the man that was at the abandoned house at the bottom of my steps. I went to call my dad, but when I got back he wasn't there. We checked the whole house, he was gone. The door was unlocked though, but that was courtesy of my dad forgetting to lock it before bed."

        Josh stares at me with his eyes wide open. With expression of shock or surprise.

"What, aren't you surprised?! I mean that guy was in my house, does't that freak you out even a little bit?!" I ask.

Josh just stares at me with no answer.

"Why aren't you saying anything? This is serious!"

        He finally says something, but not something I expected. "I know, but this is happening sooner then I thought." He mumbles the last sentence, but I can still understand some of it.

"What is happening sooner than you thought? Josh, why aren't you telling me anything?!" I ask.

"It's nothing, you should just be more careful, with keeping the doors locked and stuff." He answers.

        I know he's lying about every word. Dalilah and Bea seemed like they were hiding things from me, and now Josh. I need to find out what it is that's so important that they have to hide it from me.

        The next day I call Dalilah,Bea, and believe it or not even Josh over to my house. I used the excuse of my 'Save the Earth' project to even get them to step into my house, but the reason they are really here is way more important. I get some some snacks and bring the trio to my room and close the door behind them.

"So, what do you have to do for your project Kassi?" Asks Bea.

I don't think hard to answer her question because it's true, but not for the reason she thinks. "I need to get answers."

"Answers for what?" Asks Dalilah.

"From all of you." I say.

"What do you mean from us?" Josh asks.

I don't want this question game to go on forever so I get to my point. "I know somethings up. You all know something that your keeping from me, so it's better if you tell me straight up."

        They all just stare at me as if I was still talking about the project.

"Come on!" I say. "You guys can't act like this forever. Dalilah, once I told you about what happened with Mrs.Dog-muffin you went home, to do what? Go to your brothers game, but then I realized that your brother is only two. So what was the real reason you had to go? And Josh, when I told you about the man at my house and if you knew anything about him, you denied everything. But then why did you look so worried every time I talked about it? I need all of you to tell me the truth."

        Their faces look as if they feel a pinch of guilt for lying to me or they just think i'm crazy. But no one speaks up. But when they do, they say something I don't think I will ever understand. They all say, "Kassi, you're immortal."

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