Chapter 9

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        The mans right eye was swollen and it looks like he had a cut going through his eyelid. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but he was still there. I run to my parents room and wake up my dad. " Dad! Dad! Wake up, there's someone downstairs! Hurry!"

He groans and says, "Kassi there's no one. You were probably just dreaming, don't worry go to sleep." I'm getting impatient and I started to shake him awake."Dad, I didn't even go to sleep yet. Hurry, he'll get away!"

"Oh alright, I'm coming."He slowly but surely gets out of bed. When we get to the top of the stairs, he was gone. The evil man was nowhere in sight.

"See Kassi, there's nothing to worry about." My dad says as he rubs his eyes.

"Dad I know he was here, maybe he's around the house somewhere."

My dad and I checked the entire house, he was nowhere to be found.

"Dad look! The doors unlocked!" I point at the door.

"Oh that, I forgot to lock it after dinner." He says with no worry in his tone.

"That's how he got in and out."

"Kassi, nothing is missing from the house, and we checked every corner. That stranger isn't here, so why don't you go get some sleep and stop scaring yourself." He says as he leads me to my room and says goodnight.

        I could've sworn I saw that man, it looked so real. No it was real, all of it. I felt uneasy not knowing where he was, if he was even there at all. I get out of bed and check for any indications that he was really here. Since there is no snow I can't check for footprints, and I couldn't seem to find any shadows either. But I know that I wasn't hallucinating. It turns out that I did get some sleep, like three hours, but that's better than nothing. The next morning I continue my routine of sitting outside and doing nothing. All I can think about was the night before. 

        It's two o' clock in the afternoon, and Josh hasn't stopped bye yet, actually I don't think he even left his house all day. I wait another hour, then I decide to go to his house myself, because this topic is way too important to leave for later. My parents already knew Josh so it was okay if I went there as long as I didn't stay too long. I walk up the stairs of their porch and knock on the thick oak door. Nobody answers s I decide to ring the bell. I hear faint footsteps approaching the door, and when it opens a women in her early thirties, probably Josh's mom, opens the door.

"Um,hello is Josh home?" I blunder out.

"May I ask who you are first?"The women responds.

"Uh yes, I'm one of Josh's friends, Kassi, I live a couple pf houses down." I somehow manage to say.

"Oh okay, come in. Josh is upstairs, first door to the right." She instructs me..

"Okay, thank you." I go upstairs and enter the first room on the right. When I take a look in the room it's not what I would I would imagine a sixteen year old boys room to look like. I mean you would think there would be posters plastered in every corner, with clothes on every piece of furniture, and the t.v. alive with video games, but this was quite the contrary. The room was quite,and the walls were bare with the exception of a mirror and a calender from last year. I see Josh sitting upright in his bead covered with an endless amount of blankets. He's on his phone, but his his face is dull and isn't filled with the energy that it usually carries. He doesn't notice that i'm standing at his door, so I speak up."Uh hey." I say.

"Oh Kassi, what are you doing here?" He makes a lame attempt to get up.

"No sit, I just wanted to talk to you. But I can see you're not doing so well."

"Yeah, I think I have a fever. So, you wanted to talk about something?'

"Yeah, but it's not that important. Here let me help you."

        Josh had like three blankets on him, and he had a major fever of like one hundred and five degrees Fahrenheit.

"Why do you have so many blankets on you? You'r fever is so high?"

"I didn't know, I was freezing my butt off."

"Didn't your mom help you?"I ask.

"My mom, I don't even think she knows that i'm alive."

"Then who was that lady down stairs, wasn't that her?"

"No that's my foster mom, she hardly knows that i'm home."

        My heart sinks right away, I felt bad for even mentioning the topic. But I thought I would make it up by helping him out.

"Oh,wait i'll be right back."  I leave his room and find a bowl and fill it with ice water. I found some paper towels, and got some cold water for him to drink. When I get back upstairs Josh is under the blankets again.

"Are you serious?! That is not how you're going to get better. Here drink some of thins so you can hydrate yourself back to life." I dip the paper towels in the ice water and place them on his forehead. Then I command him to take the blankets off and rest.

        By the time Josh gets better winter break is over, and Dalilah and Bea are back, so I never got to tell him about the man at my house. And I don't know if I ever will.

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