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-Katsuki is a prince

-the Ship is bakukirikami

-people can enter their names into this selection.

-no quirks

-My AU so I can make things up

-every year the selection rules are different depending on the sexuality,age,etc. of the prince or princess

-there will be some random people I make up to be jerks and stuff..

Selection Rules:
-Must be 15-17
-Can be any gender
-Must have permission from a guardian
-Must be alright with being filmed
-Fill out the form honestly no lying
-Every week the Prince will kick someone out if you are kicked out you must pack your things and leave
-The only time you can drop out of the selection is if their is a family emergency
-The rooms are customized every year to match what the contestant is comfortable with
-If you are chosen you will be sent another form after the live broadcast to customize the room give your height, weight, etc.
-You may not be in a relationship with anyone
-You may bring personal devices(it is recommended)
-You can speak with friends and family from the outside world but can't tell to many details
-Their will be classes every Wednesday for etiquette, politic, history, etc.
-the first two weeks there will be no classes or eliminations so that the candidates can settle in
-The prince is gonna pick one or two contestants, you have to approve of the other if he chooses you
-if any of these rules are broken you will be sent home

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