Chapter 9 School

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So....hewo. I don't know what to say except this will have some terms you may not know so go to the bottom to see definitions for some words. There learning science and about the some heart and lung vocabulary like me. So yeah. Also I'm aware they probably know this but I'm just gonna have them do some stuff I know or am learning in school so yeah.

Maddies POV(Gonna be short but I wanted to include her getting ready for school and you know other reasons..)

I got up and ready for my first day of first grade. Momma had woken me up extra early to get ready before breakfast. I took a bath and then went down stairs to eat breakfast with my backpack ready. I skipped over to my seat getting multiple compliments on my dress. When I was over at my chair I sat down and put my backpack on the ground next to me. I waved at Kami as he took his seat next to me.

"Hey that's a cute dress! You going to school today?"

"Yeah! First day of first grade! I'm super excited to see my friend! We both agreed to wear a pink dress today!"

"That's nice! What is her name?" He asked while tilting his head to the side like a puppy.


"Akita? What's her last name?"

"I don't think I ever asked her..I'll ask and tell you when I get back!"

"Alright." As soon as Kami finished mama and the rest of the contestants walked through the door and to the table sitting down. Kirishima hair was wet and down, which I have never seen before.

"Good morning everyone! Remember today is the first day of school so be prepared I hope you all studied yesterday. Maddie is going to first grade today, I'm making sure you all know so you don't go looking for her. Now let breakfast commence." I started eating my bacon and pancakes and when I was done I got up and washed my hands to get the grease off. I walked back into the dining hall and grabbed my bag before going outside to the limo.

(When she gets to school)
I ran up to Akita and hugged her.

"Maddie! I'm so happy to see you!" She exclaimed hugging me back. She was almost the same height as me but a little shorter.

"Me too! Also I have a question." I said releasing her form the hug. She tilted her head just like Kami did. That's when I noticed how much she looks like Kami, with her beautiful eyes and the yellow hair with black streaks, which was super soft.

"What is it?" She asked.

"What's your last name?"

"Oh! It's Kaminari!" She said. I made a O with my mouth and smiled laughing lightly. Akita looked at me with her big adorable eyes filled with curiosity.

"That makes so much sense." I laughed out.


"You remind me so much of Kami! Now it makes sense! Your his little sister. And my older brother is Katsuki Bakugo, Which you knew." I said calming down after my gut of laughing and Akita started giggling.

(That was so wholesome)

Kami POV
After breakfast I ran to my room, more of speed walking, to my room and grabbed my books. I headed to Science which was the class this week.

"Hello sit wherever!" A chipper voice told me when I turned around I saw Mic.

"Oh ok thanks Mic."

"No problem kiddo! Today should be pretty simple." I nodded and walked over to a desk in the middle area. I sat down and grabbed my science book opening it to the page written on the whiteboard. Everyone filed in after me slowly, Kiri saw me and sat next to me waving before opening his book to the page.

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