Chapter 5 Meeting Each Contestant

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There will be a lot of stuff I make up for each person especially Ruby since she's fake. And Bakugou is gonna be the main POV I don't know if theres gonna be any other POVs so..enjoy?

Bakugous POV
"Katsuki wake up. Breakfast is soon and I have an important announcement to make." I open my eyes and look at my mother.

"Yes mother."

"You can wear more lounge like or comfortable clothes today." I nod and sit up going to my closet and picking out some clothes. The door shuts letting me know that mother has left. I step into the shower leaving the clothes on the counter.

(I'm still awkward so..when he done)
I walk down the stairs and into the dining hall to see most of the contestants were there. 'Where's that one short purple haired guy?' I sit down next to Maddie and the rest of the contestants enter. Mother stands up and clears her throat. "Hello contestants. Today Katsuki will be going around meeting all of you so be prepared. Stay in your dorm or the library. Katsuki after breakfast you are allowed to pick the order of who you meet and when. Make sure not to spend to much time on one person." With that she sat down and breakfast continued. After breakfast everyone went their separate ways. 'Who first? Maybe some of the people I didn't find interesting so that I can spend more time on the people I think seem more interesting? Yeah that's what I'll do. Who was someone I didn't find to interesting? Right Mineta.' With that I was of to Minetas dorm. I knocked on the door and the midget didn't answer so I knocked again, still no answer.

"It's Katsuki. I'm coming in." I grabbed the handle and opened the door to see Mineta had decorated the room with these posters of females in questionable clothes. In the middle of this chaotic room was the midget staring at his laptop licking his lips. I walked over and peered at the screen to see he was on Omegle with a girl, he was breaking the rules. "That's against the rules I'll have to inform my parents and security." I say while snapping a picture of the screen and him.

"No please don't! I can't afford to leave!"

"To bad. Next time you get a once in a life time chance don't break the rules." Was my response as I walked out the door, closing it behind me, and went to mother and fathers room. I knocked a second later mother answered the door.

"Your supposed to be meeting the contestants Katsuki."

"I know I was. The first person, Mineta, was breaking the rules. I have photographic evidence." I showed mother the pictures and she let out a irritated sigh.

"We'll have him sent home as soon as you leave and the other contestants will be informed during dinner. Now shoo! Go meet some people." I nod and walked off and to Koudas dorm.

(Ok I'm changing the style here for a second so that this can stay organized and easier to write without being to repetitive. Also after this chapter there's gonna be a major time skip fo the beginning of the real competition. Now a brief POV of everyone and his impression on them. I'm sorry if I diss someone you might ship him with but I have a shop picked so um sorry! Also there might be a bit of homophobic hints with Ruby so beware of hers. The PIVS will be in Bakugous POV. Also I suck at the names and their spelling so they might change from the extra u's or not sorry.)

Kouda was shy and kept to himself. His room was interesting. It had a consistent theme of animals and nature. It was honestly refreshing but Koudas personality doesn't match to well with mine and he's not really my type. He is nice, calm, quiet, and a good listener is what I learned while talking to him. After 10 minutes I moved on to Jirou next.
Jirou was easy to talk to. We had a lot of the same taste in music and bands. One of our favorites that we shared being Panic At The Disco. She was definitely pretty and sorta my type but I kinda prefer guys and may or may not have started shipping her with someone else. Overall I would say we would be good friends. 15 minutes later I was off.
Shoto was calm and collected. He liked writing and nature. His calm aura that surrounded him made me feel calm and he was also easy to talk to. He didn't interior and only spoke when spoken to. He is definitely someone I could maybe see myself with but at the same time we don't have much in common and our personalities don't mash well. Overall he's a good guy and he will or a sly stay for a while. I spoke to him for 15 minutes.
Tooru was a nice girl she didn't fit my interests much and definitely wasn't my type though. She liked gossiping and drama while I didn't. She hated horror and I loved it. She talked and interrupted way to often and I lost my patience with her after 10 minutes.
Momo is the girl I think would fit with Jirou as a great couple. Their personalities match and compliment each other. Momo was a nice person and had these great ideas of how to make the world a better place. She is someone I would see more of as a friend and a romantic interest for Jirou.
Shoji was a buff guy but was a softie. He had a kind nature and was a decent listener. He had a big family and liked talking about them. It was nice but he also got distracted in the conversation easily. He liked bird watching(lol) and was someone I don't really see myself with and he isn't my type. I have a complicated taste and so far no one has seen like a great match and I'm losing hope. There were definitely people I am excited to meet and get to know.
Ruby (TW? She is a bit of a homophobe)
I don't know about Ruby. She kept trying to convince me to eliminate all the males and only choose one person that is a female. She kept going on about how it's wrong to like boys and that it's also wrong to want to pick more than one. I don't know I just don't like her she also liked to flirt. It was horrible flirting and I wasn't into her at all. She then went on a rant about boys wearing feminine clothes being horrible and a disgrace. I definitely won't keep her around long. Plus I need two people to balance me. I'm a complicated person and have anger issues and a short temper.
Nejire was bubbly and had troubles concentrating. She had a short attention span but spoke about certain things with such a passion. She explained how she loved sewing and most things fashion related. She was a nice girl and fit pretty well with one of my preferences.
Aoyamo was one of the few boys that liked wearing feminine clothing  and he was open about his feelings he opinions which was nice but annoying at the same time. He also fit one of my preferences.
Iida was uptight which got old real fast. He was against alit of activities I like because they were too dangerous. I get he has good intentions but sometimes you gotta let loose and be a human who makes mistakes and stupid decisions. He was to uptight for my liking otherwise I would have liked him more.
Ochako was almost a replica of Nejire except her hair was short and brown, she did have the same big eyes but they were also brown, so really the only thing they had in common was their personalities. She did have a few differences like she liked space and didn't lose focus often. So she had a few more things that I  had as a preference.
Izuku was definitely the most annoying but one of the people that fit some of the most of my preferences. But he kept mumbling stuff under his breath and it was irritating. He also was writing in a journal almost the entire time. I learned later that he was into journaling and photography. He was ok and I would have picked him and keep him in mind more if he would stop mumbling under his breath.
Tsu was a ibtelligient person and liked frogs alit. She had a pet frog at home with the name
Thumper. She was into reading, drawing, animals, green, and science. She fit almost all of my preferences. She could be loud and outspoken or quiet and careful.
Satou was one of the people I found most boring. But he did fit the fact that I like baked goods and homemade meals. He did also like working out and eating. He liked to talk about baking and shows he's seen. I don't think he will stay around to long though since he is definitely near the bottom of the list of people I found interesting.
Kaminari (TW-Eating Disorder implied)
Kaminari fit every. Single. Preference he had for one of the people in this relationship he wants. Kaminari was into baking, reading. Drawing, yellow, pastels, etc. I found him in the library with his nose in a book. He liked to talk about his books and listen to what I had to say. He was the only other boy that wore more feminine clothing. He was ok with horror but it also scared him pretty bad. He also seemed to have troubles eating enough. I talked to him for about 30 minutes.
Kirishima (TW-Self esteem issues implied)
Kirishima fit the rest of the preferences I had for the other person in this relationship I want. He liked red, horror, working out, etc. he and Kaminari were like the two puzzle lives I was missing. Kirishima was fit and liked talking. He was nice and calm. The two balanced me out perfectly. He did seem to have some self esteem issues though. I talked to him for about 30 minutes as well.
Sorry this took a while to come out I was in a position of having no ideas for some of these people as hobbies and things. Also here's some of Bakugous  preferences for the first person.

First Person Preference
-likes baked goods or baking
-a good listener
-calm or bubbly
-into movies and books

Second person preferences
-likes working out or being athletic
-a good listener
-calm or respectful
-nice, caring, collected
-hot and cute
-into movies and books
-likes horror

Very sorry again. Also if there's any mistakes let me know! It's currently 1:10 in the morning and I haven't my brain is not wanting to work. Um hip you enjoyed?

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