Chapter 10 Drama

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This chapter is gonna be dedicated to Thursday and drama! And might be a few hundred words so a shorter chapter? Maybe last time I said that it didn't you never know. Oh and bullying because of read at your own discretion.

TW:bullying, homophobic behavior, slurs, and a self-esteem and self-confidence issue.

⚠️Reader discretion advised!⚠️

Ruby's POV(ew)
I woke up and decided to wear a long dress.(picture below) I went into the bathroom to shower when I saw my hair and it's disaster of a bed head. I almost screamed in horror(she's so petty..omg) I brushed my hair using that brush specifically made to help with tangles then I hopped in the shower.

(OwO we know what happens. I skip le shower)

I walked down for breakfast and sat down glaring at the fag across from me(this hurts to write omg) he was wearing white skinny jeans that had rips and a black crop top hoodie with cat ears on it(images below) I scoffed and he tried curling in on himself. Soon the rest of the contestants and the finest Katsuki entered. I had to refrain from yelling at the little girl who was talking to Katsuki when I could be! She was rambling on about how she got to wear her favorite dress today. The dress was strange, it was a brown overall type of dress that needed a some sort of shirt to be complete and had a hood with ears. 'Do they plan their outfits to math or something?!' After breakfast I approached Katsuki finally and tugged on his shirt sleeve. He turned around and looked really annoyed but I didn't care. He was gonna take me on a date today.

"Can we go on a date?" I asked batting my eyelashes helping to show of my eyeshadow.

"Ugh...I guess if you'll leave me alone.." he groaned again and I wrapped my hand with his.

"Let's go to the mall! I want a new designer dress!!" I heard a scoff and glared at Ochako who was the source of the sound. I can't lie she has good fashion but I hate her. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a pink crop top. I rolled my eyes and continued to drag Katsuki.(ochakos outfit below)

(At the mall because she was just talking about herself and that's boring)
When we got in I rushed over to one of the shops I knew had overpriced dresses I dragged him in and started looking around. I finally stumbled upon three dresses all in the thousandths. The first one was a beautiful long dress with off shoulders. the next was a tan color and had no straps. The last was significantly shorter and black with fishnet sleeves. I showed Katsuki and his eyes widened.

"What?! I am not buying those for you!" He shouted. I mentally rolled my eyes while I pouted.

"Please?" I whined and it took half an hour for him to get so fed up he agreed. (Bill below)
Dress 1 Cost: 11,900

 (Bill below)Dress 1 Cost: 11,900

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Dress 2 Cost: 4,395

Dress 2 Cost: 4,395

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