Chapter 6 The Beginning

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So we're gonna be starting this on the first day of the competition. It will be Monday and Bakugou can take them on dates or whatever. The shirt Denks ordered for Maddie came too! Um there will be a Kiri POV! And some TW.

TW for this chapter: Eating Disorder, self esteem issues, self doubt, and body shaming.

Kiris POV
I woke up in my dorm room and hopped out of bed. I got ready for a shower then to head to breakfast.

(You know the drill. I'm to awkward about showering so he be done now)

I gelled my hair and headed down to the dining hall. When I got into the dining hall I saw Ruby sitting awfully close to were the prince sits and Kaminari sitting were he has ever since the first day. I walked over and sat next to Kaminari like I have since we got here. Ruby crinkled her nose at us and made a face of disgust that made me try and hide my body and Kaminari seemed to do the same. Ruby sent a glare to both of us before the prince walked in and sat next to her. She started talking nonstop and the prince looked annoyed. The rest of the contestants and the royal family arrived. "Today is the first day of the actual competition. Katsuki is able to take you all off grounds starting today. And classes start on Wednesday so you should start studying for that. Have a nice day." Queen Mitsuki said, And breakfast started. I ate the rest of my food and in the corner of my eye I saw that Kaminari barely touched his food. After breakfast I started walking to my room next to Kaminari when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see prince Katsuki.

"Hello, Kirishima Eijirou right? And Denki Kaminari?"

"Yeah I'm Kirishima but feel free to call me whatever." I responded.

"Yes.." I heard Kaminari say next to me.

"Would you two like to accompany me on a date to the mall?" Prince Katsuki said.

"Yeah! That'd be cool man-I mean prince.." I corrected myself after I almost called the prince man..

"You can call me man or whatever I don't like formalities." He responded.

"Oh ok!"

"Now what do you say Denki? And can I call you that?"

"Call me whatever..and yeah I'll come." Kaminari said. "Kirishima can call me whatever too.." he muttered looking at me.

"Alright! And you can call me whatever! Now how are we going to get to the mall Bakubro?"

"A limo or we can walk I don't care."

"Ooh we should take a limo! You good with that Kami?" I turned to Kami to see him looking through the window. "You good dude?" I asked waving a hand in front of his face. Kami snapped out of it and nodded.

"Alright let's go." With that me and Kami followed Bakubro to a limo. We passed Ruby on the way but she rushed up to us and tapped Kamis shoulder.

"Hey can i borrow you for a moment I want to talk." Kami looked at me and Bakugou before looking back to her and nodding. "Great! Come on." Ruby grabbed Kamis hand and dragged him out of earshot.

"What's that about?" Bakubro asked next to me.

"I don't know but by the looks of it she isn't being super ni-" I was cut off by Kami rushing back over to us and bumping into me by accident. "What happened?!" I asked as Kami backed up with his head tilted down and he was hugging himself.

"Yeah what happened? And why are you hugging yourself? What did she say?" Bakugou asked with a tiny hint of something to his voice, concern?

"She s-said...nothing important..." Kami muttered and lifted his head. His eyes were shiny with unshed tears.

"Doesn't seem like nothing." Bakugou stated.

"Can we just go to the mall, please?" Kami said I nodded and Bakugou let out a sigh but nodded. Bakugou continued outside and to the limo me and Kami trailing after him. When we got to the limo there was someone waiting outside of it holding g the door open.

"Your taking two people on the first date?" They asked sending a glance at me and Kami.


"Alright. Where to?"

"The mall." We all got in the back and the door shut. Bakugou was on the left, Kami in the middle and me on the right side.

"Alright now tell us what she said." Bakugou started looking at Kami with a look of determination.

"F-fine..she basically just told me that I shouldn't wear feminine clothing since it's wrong..and that I'm fat.." he muttered the last part but I heard it and by the look on Bakugous face I'm assuming he heard it too.

"Don't listen to her. She's spitting lies and is just a attention seeker." Bakugou said before turning to look out the window as the limo started moving. As soon as the limo was out of the gates and more in the road a bunch of people who were driving would point and have these amazed expressions. Kids looked starstruck and it was a nice sight. Some people would look at me and Kami in disgust which seemed to affect Kami since he started hugging himself again.
Hey! So guess what! I am going back to school soon! I know so exciting! I'm joking. I'm dreading it. Anyway! Hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it had some angst I'm sorry I'm just gonna have some angst because I'm good at writing that. I think.. it is currently 1:20 in the morning and I'm full of energy so I might start on the next chapter after this. Have a nice day, night, or afternoon!


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