Chapter 12 Woah

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Hewo! Sorry for not posting but I mean..I have other activities I like doing such as drawing. Um sorry if that came off rude..anyways enjoy this Chapter

Kiris POV
I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. 'It's too early for a Monday..' I yawned and got up. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black tank top heading into the bathroom. I set the clothes out onto the counter and went to do my workout. I lifted some of my dumbbells and called it good. Heading back into the bathroom for a shower before heading down to breakfast.

(After Le shower and Le breakfast.)
I jogged up to Kamibro and put a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey bro! Wanna hang out?" I asked since Bakubro would be going on a date with one of the other contestants.

"Sure dude! Who's room?" He replied.

"Hmm. Yours?"

"Sure! Let's go." He started skipping off and I followed him. When we got inside his dorm I noticed how many books he had. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom feel free to look around." He headed off to the bathroom and I went over to his desk to see a drawing. It was of an eye and it was really good! I kept admiring it until I heard the door open and a small gasp. I turned around to see Kami standing there his cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Dude did you draw this?!" I asked.

"I-um yes?" He said walking over and closing the book.

"It's really good! How long did it take?"

"Not to's just a sketch.."

"Hm. Well I think it's awesome. Well what do you wanna do?"

"A movie?" I nodded and he turned in his TV that was in his room. I sat on the floor in a fort of blankets we made. He sat on his bed and the movie started.
———(after Le movie)
When the movie was over I turned to look at Kami.  "What now?"

"Attack on Titan? I've been wanting to try it."

"Sure! I've been interested in seeing it too. We good to comment during it? Or should we not talk?"

"I'm fine with commenting plus I heard some of the Titans look funny at moments." He giggled and I started laughing too.

"Yeah. Well let's start now shall we?" He nodded and switched to Netflix so we could watch it.(it is actually on Netflix and I am actually watching it.)
——————-(time skip)———
By the time dinner rolled around we were on season 2 and had commented in most of the deaths and laughing at some. Which sounds very rude but honestly some of the deaths could have been avoided.(I did actually laugh a lot during some of the deaths I've seen but I'm only on what episode 6 or 7) we made our way down the stairs and to the dining hall. We were earlier than almost everyone, but this time Iida had gotten here faster. Which isn't too surprising since he was very punctual and would arrive a few minutes after we did. As soon as a the other contestants and royal family were down dinner flew by. And before I knew it I was getting ready for bed.
Sorry for the short chapter I just don't know. I'm sorry. The next chapter is either gonna be a Tuesday fuller or straight to Wednesday then strait to Friday. Um let's see. That's it I think. Hope you enjoyed and below is a drawing I did but I'm gonna pretend Kami did. So there's that.

The Drawing Kiri Found(it is mine, I drew it)

The Drawing Kiri Found(it is mine, I drew it)

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