Chapter 13 Movie and Cuddles

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Hey! So Um. Hi? I dunno anymore man. Ah jeez sorry if this is a boring chapter and since it's another one of the more filler like chapters you don't have to read it unless you want some good old fluff. Also I have a new ship and idea for it I'm obsessed with. So you know the bakusquad? Well I ship all of them together, Mina , Sero, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Kaminari, and Mina gets hit by a quirk were she's turned into a male and Denki gets stuck having to wear her old clothes and being the shortest. Sorry for the rant the chapter starts now:

Bakugos POV
'I get to have another date today and I know who is gonna be invited.' I jumped out of bed and rushed to get dressed and eat breakfast. After breakfast I went over to Kaminari and Kirishima to ask them.

"Hey you two extras."

"Yes Bakubro?"

"Yes Kat?" Kaminari has started calling me Kat after Maddie told him that's what she calls me.

"Wanna watch a movie in my room?"

"What genre?" Eiji asked.

"Horror or thriller."

"I-um ok.." Denki stuttered.

"Sure man!"

"Great let's go. I have some sweatshirts in my room if you all get cold." They nodded and we were off. As soon as we got in my room Denki started shivering. I stifled a laugh and went to turn on the TV. "You two can sit on the bed, make sure the doors locked first though." I heard a click and then shuffling. When the TV was on I grabbed a controller and went to the bed. "Scoot over Denki I'm laying on the right." He had a red tint on his cheeks that was hard to distinguish in the dark of the room but he complied and scooted over. I sat down and turned on Netflix.

"What movie?"


"Sure." I clicked on It and layed down. Denkis shivering form seemed to be significantly less but still shivering. I got closer and wrapped my arms around his midsection pulling him closer. He let out an indignant squeak and I smirked. Eiji seemed to notice he was shivering because he turned around and hugged him as well. He almost completely stopped shivering around ten minutes into the movie and seemed to be getting drowsy until a jumpscare came and he hid his face in Eijis chest since he had his back to my chest and Eiji was facing him with his body. I let out a chuckle and so did Eijiro although his was softer while mine was gruff.

(An hour into the movie)
I peered down to see Denki was asleep and looked very peaceful. I hummed quietly and buried my head in his neck starting to doze off. I felt an arm laying over Denkis body and some of mine and realized it was Eijiros. Soon there was soft snoring coming form the left of Denki so I knew Eijiro had fallen asleep and I dozed off into a dream.
Ok. Like I said it was gonna be short. Sorry. Anyways hope you enjoyed the fluff after some of le angst we had recently. Um yeah so that's all I had to say. So enjoy that.


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