Announcment(please read!)

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I'm so sorry about this instead of a real chapter but please hear me out! I was recently reading a story, it wasn't bakukirikami but OMG it had such a good idea. So I was thinking of making another story not completely focused on their relationship but the rest of the class and this really cool plot. Of course I won't be copying this person but I'm gonna use there amazing idea of this AU that I really like. The story was on under the tag 'hurt kaminari' and dang I was impressed. So I was wondering if you guys would like to see that? Plus it would give me a balance so that when I don't feel like writing something more fluffy but instead something more angst and about the other characters and ships I have. If you guys don't want that I'm ok with it. It's your guys' choice. Sorry this turned into a ramble omg.

Comment if I should or shouldn't do an AU that I won't say what it is in fear of spoiling it. Also I wouldn't discontinue this I would just do both and update which ever one I had written a chapter for.

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