“Push, pump, push,” I shouted.
It was Saturday morning, which meant synchronized skating practice. Raquel had two more weeks of suspension, and Maggie got her stitches but couldn’t skate so she watched from the bleachers.
“Faster girls!” Coach Jenn shouted from across the ice.”Where are my counts Carmenn?”
That’s right I’m supposed to be counting, I thought. “Pump, pump, pump, turn, stop.” I shouted, ending the program.
“I’ve seen better,” Coach Jennifer stated once we were gathered around her. “But, we should work on the long program; we have one more step sequence to learn. So go down to the end of the ice where we left off on making up the program.”
We all glided down there, still trying to catch our breaths. Then Rowan skated up behind me. “Have you seen Kasey since the funeral?” she asked.
“No, I haven’t actually.” I replied, dropping my head at the mention of the funeral.
“Carmenn, Rowan this isn’t a sleepover no time for talking!” Coach yelled, motioning us over.
“Coach is grumpy today.” Rowan whispered as we skated over.
I shrugged, Rowan had a point though. Coach was kind of grumpy.
Lean back further, I thought to myself almost hearing it in coach’s voice, as I did my layback spin. I’m so used to coach’s usual advice, that when I’m practicing out of a lesson, I hear her shouting in my mind. Step out of the spin, I thought again once again in coach’s voice. I stepped out, feeling really dizzy, but I immediately moved into the next element in my program, which happened to be my double axel. I guess I must of found a sudden surge of courage inside of me, and I went for a triple. I took a few extra strokes then leaped into the air. Pull in tighter, I thought again. I pulled in as tight as I could making my body one. Then I put my foot down.
The whole rink was looking at me. I had never done a triple axel in front of others. I was also in the practice rink today, so there were less-advanced skaters. Little girls, oohing and ahhing, Rowan’s jaw dropping, coaches with wide eyes. Everyone was amazed.
You never told me you could do a triple! Rowan texted, that afternoon.
I first landed it last Monday, after the TV interview. I came to the rink. I replied, setting my phone down. A few seconds later, I heard it buzz again.
It was amazing. You are totally winning Nationals, with that. Rowan replied with a cute smiley face emoji.

The Un-landed Everything
RandomCarmenn Di Giovanninni lives the perfect life of a figure skater. Sure, there's the haters, but Carmenn doesn't mind them. They will just be a distraction towards reaching her dream of going to the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Then one day when h...