It wasn’t too hard to spot Rowan; she is always dressed in many colors. She was standing in front of Macy’s playing on her phone. “Rowan!” I shouted as I ran over to her.
“Hey Carmenn!” Rowan replied looking up from her phone. “I just got another new phone; I stuck an iphone charger up my Samsung. Second new phone this month.”
“Wow, you break phones a lot.”
“Yeah, from stupid mistakes.”
“Are you sure you can call sticking an iphone charger up a Samsung a mistake?”
“It sounds really stupid when you say it out loud.”
Rowan’s phone all of a sudden made some odd explosion alert, indicating she had a text. So she reached into her back pocket and read the text. “It’s from Kasey, she is running a little late. She says to meet her in Claire’s.”
“I’m okay with that. Should we head to Claire’s now?”
Rowan and I started off toward Claire’s walking slowly, mainly updating each other on our training for Regionals. Rowan’s mom had decided the three of them could use a nice break since Regionals was in a week, so she set up a little trip to the mall for me Kasey, and Rowan. I guess I was excited to just relax, and live the normal life of a teenager, even though the mall doesn’t exactly interest me. I do like shoe stores, Hollister, and Aeropostale, but that’s about it.
Kasey ended up beating us to Claire’s, and we found her in the earring section, looking at a pair of gummy bear earrings. “Those are so cute!” I exclaimed walking up behind Kasey.
Kasey turned around a little startled by our presence, “oh, thanks, should I get them?”
“They make me hungry.” Rowan exclaimed awkwardly. “Yes you should get them, and can we go to the food court next, I am really craving Subway.”
“Kasey you should totally get them, and yeah I’m kind of hungry to so.”
“Okay I’m getting them. Plus I’m hungry also, so lunch next is a good idea.”
“After lunch can we go to Starbucks and get caramel chocolate cappuccino’s?” Rowan asked excitedly.
“Duh. Caramel chocolate cappuccinos are our thing.” Kasey replied, digging through her wallet in search for money.
After Kasey paid for her earrings we all strutted to the food court. Well I strutted. I have this feeling that when I am out alone with friends that I am actually cool, so I like to act all mature and fancy when I’m out with friends, yeah now when I think harder about it, it’s really weird.
“So everyone agree on Subway?” Rowan asked.
“I do.” I answered, realizing my sudden crave for subs.
“Yeah, sure I will take Subway.” Kasey also answered, as she dug through her wallet again.
Once we ordered our meals we sat at the end of a bar table, away from the TV’s. Our coaches think it’s best if we stay away from the internet and the news, just in case there are bad comments about us anywhere. That really bothered Rowan and Kasey, but honestly I don’t mind the haters at all, so I still use social media a little bit.
“So, since we are instructed by my mother to relax. I guess we can’t discuss figure skating.” Rowan said, after taking a sip from her cherry coke.
“Well, I guess I could use a break from skating. My life has been train, train, and train.” Kasey said looking up from her phone. “My mom is even letting me take time off of school next week, for extra training time.”
“Wow, lucky. I hate school. I would rather skate all week.” I replied, then taking a bite of my spicy Italian sub.
“I’m not sure skating is my thing anymore.” Kasey replied, embarrassed by what she said.
“WHAT?! Kasey you have been skating longer than me and Carmenn, you are so good. You can’t just quit now.” Rowan replied, clearly furious at Kasey.
“Exactly. I have been skating my whole life.” Kasey stated replying angrily to Rowan. “Skating has taken away my time and social life. I need to be done.”
“Well, Rowan she has a point. Plus it is her decision.” I replied awkwardly, feeling unwanted in this argument.
“But she is the best skater in the whole rink. Even better the whole region! She can’t quit!” Rowan whined.
“Can we just forget I said that? Although, Carmenn is right. It’s my decision Kasey shouted back, while cleaning up her sub mess.
“Fine let’s forget it. Can we go to Starbucks now?” Rowan asked still a little anger in her voice.
The truth was, I was really disappointed in Kasey for thinking about quitting. She is a really good skater, and now that she is old enough for the Olympics, maybe her years of training won’t have to go to waste. But then again, it is her decision.

The Un-landed Everything
De TodoCarmenn Di Giovanninni lives the perfect life of a figure skater. Sure, there's the haters, but Carmenn doesn't mind them. They will just be a distraction towards reaching her dream of going to the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Then one day when h...